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The seller has to post pictures of what he is selling- whether it is equipment or livestocks....should not penalise based on seniority or number of posts. Being a long time member of SRC doesn't mean anything. We have some long time members whose reputable is so bad, still hanging around....sorry, i do not mean to be critical / offensive. Just want to reinforce my perspective.

And i think we should scrap the bidding system.

i agree with this.. selling post should have Pic and price... unless it is bidding..

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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How effective would this be? I notice genuine newbies asking questions and most of the times the questions are replied by other newbies themselves.. to be honest senior reefers and mods most of the time do not participate in giving constructive ideas as well...

would love to see more sharing of information but unfortunately i doubt we can impose a hard and fast rule on this.. of cos we can have some preventive measure but to reach the goal of sharing i think we are seriously lacking..

and i agree with Ah Siang's comment on posting pictures.. technology is pretty advance nowadays and posting pictures normally would not harm.. i'm sure we would like to avoid another 10inch black tang issue again.. :whistle

That's why I say we are trying it out first and play by ear as it goes along...

If the thread is replied and there is nothing wrong with the answer given by another fellow reefer be it a new or senior reefer as long as the answer is correct? Of course, if the answer is wrong we will step in to rectify but it is impossible for us to go thru every thread everyday.. lol. There is like a lot to go thru, that why we need senior reefers to so more posting but this is really out of our control on whether they wanna post anot and most senior reefer, put it bluntly, is tired of answering question as some of the answers are in the pin up on the forum. Many just dun go and read up on them..

We might add a rule to demand photo to be put up within a week if not the post will be taken off, how does it sounds?

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There is also some popular local fish forum which have stricter rules on posting than ours. The implementation of the minimum posting rules in the pasa malam section is to help us reduce numbers of cases of scammer , and it should also be a previlages to those registered active members of the community to post their items for sales here for free. This is just one of the way of showing the appreciation of their contribution in this community, as well as protecting the member. Although still it is not 100% fool proof, we will see how we can improve it along the way.

There is already a disclaimer being pin up in the pasa malam section but unfortunately i guess many did not read it before starting a Topic . wacko.gif

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