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Tank Maker recent workmanship


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  • SRC Member

Hi. just like to share with you guys. I came upon tankmaker while looking for a guy to make my tank in arofantics. Once went to a fellow reefers house in punggol and saw his 3ft made by Tankmaker and thought that his work wasn't bad.

So when a friend aproach me to kia siow, I recommended him. I went to my friends place as his tank just arrive last week and he is in the process of setting up to have a look lor. Cos I went with another maker when I heard that his workmanship is not very good. :(

What I saw make me very paiseh. Although his price is quite cheap, his recent workmanship is questionable. The silicon work is sub standard, bubbles everywhere (I can do better myself), the tank has scratches on the glass and the piping was not at the least impressing.

I heard that they had took a lot of orders for tanks but I personally do not think that this is a valid reason. Cos if you cant produce it, dont accept the order.

At the same time, would like to appologise to my friend for kia siao the wrong maker. :bow:

Fellow reefers who have had similar problems, share your experience so others can be warned.

I dont mean to be harsh on the guy, I have spoken to him a few time and he is a nice person. But his relative's way of doing things buau shui la. :angry:

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  • SRC Member

i think his service is good, ,my gf 3 feet tank is doing pretty well, there's no leakage and the workmanship looks fine...he is always willing to help us watever problem we encounter..

well i think in this world, you can like someone or dislike someone.. jut like for a car... some will go for it, some will hate it.....

so the best is you experience it yourself~~~~

cheers~~~~~~ :P

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  • SRC Member

I personally think he is a very nice guy. But a nice guy is one thing. This is not personal lor. I myself know of a few who got problem with his recent workmanship. He is running a buisness and we are consumer.

Doesnt leak now does not mean doesnt leak later. Bubble in silicon is a big deal. Visually and strength wise. joint with bubbles in it weaken the joint. Maybe you are his earlier customer. But I am refering to his relative's recent workmanship.

This is not personal. Just like to raise the matter to other reefers. You mean you'll accept a tank with scratches just because his service is good?? My friends tank can see scratch without switching on the lights. Imagine if the MH lights is on then it will become an eyesore. When the tank is ship to you, fill it with water and switch on the lights before paying him and accepting the tank.

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hey guys... i do agree that there are bubbles on the silicion..But then the bubbles are not that obvious... Furthermore , the tank (3ft X2ft x2ft ) wif cabinet and sump that i received has no scratches.. Actually.... no one is perfect in this world...

But First, Take at the look at the price u pay... OF coz u pay more.. u get better job done... if u pay less... dont expect too much.... So is up to u all on how much u are willing to pay for a tank....

In addtion... i stay on the 3rd floor wif spiral staircase... They took the trouble to carry all the way up to my room... They are all taking a risk... if they drop it.... they lose out ..if they scratch my parque railings or floor.. they have to pay... i told them b4 all these things to take note b4 they come my house... So in the end they took the risk..... u tell me who will wan to carry the tank up to the 3rd story wif spiral staircase... So in life, we all have to take risks....

Anyway, he also said that if there is any problem wif the tank... we can go and find him again what.... So why kick a big fuss out of it.... :(

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  • SRC Member

i bascially think as long if the tank got problem, he agree to change it...then will be ok....even if you will to buy a merz car..it dun promise you after paying 100k..the car work 100 percent ...it just offer you warrenty...so thats where warrenty come in ~~one for one exchange or worse only replace the parts~~~

thats where how much u willing to pay

and why a merz and a honda cost so much different

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Hi. just like to share with you guys. I came upon tankmaker while looking for a guy to make my tank in arofantics. Once went to a fellow reefers house in punggol and saw his 3ft made by Tankmaker and thought that his work wasn't bad.

So when a friend aproach me to kia siow, I recommended him. I went to my friends place as his tank just arrive last week and he is in the process of setting up to have a look lor. Cos I went with another maker when I heard that his workmanship is not very good. :(

What I saw make me very paiseh. Although his price is quite cheap, his recent workmanship is questionable. The silicon work is sub standard, bubbles everywhere (I can do better myself), the tank has scratches on the glass and the piping was not at the least impressing.

I heard that they had took a lot of orders for tanks but I personally do not think that this is a valid reason. Cos if you cant produce it, dont accept the order.

At the same time, would like to appologise to my friend for kia siao the wrong maker. :bow:

Fellow reefers who have had similar problems, share your experience so others can be warned.

I dont mean to be harsh on the guy, I have spoken to him a few time and he is a nice person. But his relative's way of doing things buau shui la. :angry:

I think is a matter of viewing.

consumer has all the right to get back supplier if receive unsatisfactory goods. what I knew recently is tank maker even replace 2 set of 5x2.5x2 tank (on the spot swap) without question ask just because got some air gap in oyama pasting.

what i see is just get back to them will do; rather my ffiend .. your friend and I believe that he might not even receive that complaint at all ..

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  • SRC Member

Maybe I should have taken a pic of my friends tank to show you. when I mean bubbles I mean big bubbles. not those you see in oyamy but the whole stretch spread with bubble thats 2-3mm in dia some bigger.

I am just trying to bring up a concern. Just because you are cheap does not mean people buy sub standard goods. esp when last time not like that. just cos orders increase, workmanship suffer. People go to him cos he's nice and workmanship ok.

But if the workmanship like that, I rather get a tank from kalantan lane boy. When I heard his silicon work not very good from another reefer, I thought its just the inside not smooth then so be it lor. but what I saw was totally unexpected. Look like a newbie applied the silicon. Eg a 1 inch thick silicon, got like 1/4 - 1/3 is not notacting the glass, they are bubbles.

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  • SRC Member

I know of at 4 who is not satisfied with the silicon work and 2 of them has scratches on their tanks. Just wanted to bring this up so something would be done.

I know it is none of my business but since no one would make this public (maybe of friend friend thing) so I bring up lor.

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the scratches is an issue i am concern about also....

mine also got minor scratches....wasted there are no glass polishing techniques around...only for acrylic

my 4ft tank was great..silicon very nice..glass no scratch....that time maybe he not so busy...or rather..his factory workers in msia were not so busy then..hehe

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yeah lor...heng mine really not so bad....really hard to spot unless i scrutinize slowly..but your fren's case seem serious....

i mean if scratch left right and the back never mind..the front should be spotless...maybe he can get them to apply a film of plastic before transporting to reduce scratching....like those blue plastic film on some stainless steel products..hehe

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  • SRC Member


it really very sianz when u got a tank that is of poor qty.. or even scratches...

if got leaking got one to one replace so what.. all your stuff already in it.. image those kg of LR and sand.. then your LS, coral etc.. and the time and effect u spend that time to stack up your things..

and then after the replace u got to re-do everything again..

not everyone got the time...

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just wondering...

1) why didn't your friend reject the tank when he/she saw the bubbles in the silicon?

if its that obvious, im sure someone would have noticed it.

2) When you saw the scratch, did your friend call you/him to sort things out?

3) did you call tank_maker to clarify things before posting?

ive got no relationship with anyone here, just kapo-ing only...

no offence hor... (just wondering only)


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  • SRC Member

The scratches is not really visible when there's no water. Put the water in and the refraction makes it visible. switch on your MH and a lot of the scratches that was not there becomes visible. So my suggestion is to ask the maker to wait for you to fill up your tank and switch on lights before paying or give him a post dated check.

My friend is quite new to the hobby and does not know much. Didnt start bugging him till recently. I was bz planning my own 5ft and didnt have time to help him when his tank came. Have recommended him to get tankmaker to replace the glass.

I am not his customer and this thread is not mean to target him. Just to bring the issue up and at the same time hope can help the new guys when the buy tank. Not trying to discredit him. Just hope to bring the message across that if you cant handle the workload, dont sacrafice workmanship for business.

Most of the guys with problems that I know of are on close terms with him and thus do not wish to blow up the matter. Just I feel that a retailer/maker have a responsibility to his clients. And if I did not bring this up, will just blow over and might hurt his business more. He is a nice guy and I wish him no harm just facts. Although not many of his customer are verbal, I am sure they understand what I am trying to relay.

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I am sure everything will be sorted out lah...met tank_maker a couple of days ago....I believe he will remedy the situation once its brought to his attention....

My impression from the conversation...he is a responsible man and a fellow reefer...he defintiely has interest in giving fellow reefers the best he can...(my 2cents)...

anyway, he has replied and he probably is going to do something about it..so why not wait and let him handle the case .... :lol::lol:

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  • SRC Member

Tanks made in MY uses malaysia float glass. As for quality, mainly depends on maker skill liao. cos we wont know what grade of glass they are using that's why have to choose thick glass for a safety margin. if top grade glass like those use in jewel tanks, dont have to use so thick.

For example, go to rainb@w in serangoon and have a look at their tanks la. from MY also. super thick glass at super high price with super ungly cabinets and not very good workmanship but few bubbles in the silicon.

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