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Fin burn or rot

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Heard that fish will get fin burn when tank high in NO.

What does it look like compare to fin rot by disease?

One of my tang, just 1 day after introduced, has tail and One side of pectoral fin broken.

My tank has other tangs.

How to cure?

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Heard that fish will get fin burn when tank high in NO.

What does it look like compare to fin rot by disease?

One of my tang, just 1 day after introduced, has tail and One side of pectoral fin broken.

My tank has other tangs.

How to cure?

Broken? torn or rotten? If torn shld be find.. it heal back very fast if eating well.. Rotten fin could be cause by bacteria infection. Skin and fin rot can also occur after parasitic diseases as bacterial secondary infections. You can refer to book "Diseases in marine aquarium fish, GERALD BASSLEER, pg 32" for Causes, Symptoms and treatment. Cheers..


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How about fin burn by high NO?

Try snap some pics? most likely not.. as you mention you fish just introduce.. rot fin will not happen on single fish if your tank problem.. and it spread quite fast.. Any iches signature? or fish keep rubbing on rock? How is the fish swimming behavior? Any sign on other old resident? Cheers..


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Only one got the fin rot.

The rest all fine.

Swimming ok around the tank. And no ich on its body.

I saw its upper lip turned white. Biting or fighting??

Try this.... Cheers..




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Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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