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want to sell some soft corals


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Have the following corals for sales:-

1) Single branch hammer x 2 - $10 each. Take both at $15

2) Small green plate - $10 (around 3cm)

3) Purple plate - $20 (around 5cm)

4) red + mixed mushy - $10

5) 2 frags of zoa - $10 each. take both at $15 (10+ polpys each)

6) green prata (jade green colour - $70

Prices will be slightly nego if getting more than one. Collection in the west.

Thanks for reading!








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SMS u.tks

-Main Display Tank : 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft c/w sump tank cabinet (Set up by aquarium artist)

-Lightings : 4 sets of 1.5ft mini aqua lumen LED lights (7 high power led 15W)

-Chiller: 1/4HP artica chiller with a standby of HC-100A

-Skimmer : Bubble Magnus 3 (cone)

-Phosphate Reactor

-NP Bio-pellet D&D onceanic hang-on reactor

-Wavemaker : MP10

-Temperature mointor : American Wireless pinpoint thermometer

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Have the following corals for sales:-

1) Single branch hammer x 2 - $10 each. Take both at $15

2) Small green plate - $10 (around 3cm)

3) Purple plate - $20 (around 5cm)

4) red + mixed mushy - $10

5) 2 frags of zoa - $10 each. take both at $15 (10+ polpys each)

6) green prata (jade green colour - $70

Prices will be slightly nego if getting more than one. Collection in the west.

Thanks for reading!

Item 1,2,3,5 have been reserved by bro Padil.

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Item 1-5 cleared by bro Padil.

Left with the prata! Anyone can clear by tmr will get it at 50!

Upz for the sales. Anyone interested? Willing to listen to reasonable offers.


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Can post the prata in white light?

As requested, but the picture does not justify the beauty of this fellow. Need to let this fellow go as it has outgrown the space I have allocated for it. Willing to let go at special price is can collect over the weekend.



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