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Looking Suunto Mosquiot


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  • SRC Member
not really there was a time i went diving and the dive shop put a new dm in charge thur out the dives, he was the 1st one to surface while we r doing our stops and u imagine a dm tell me tat during the safety stop out of air :D

Hey, tell me which dive op u went with, PM me.. i wun go with them.. scary...

That DM is a real living legend..... <_<

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member

Hey, tell me which dive op u went with, PM me.. i wun go with them.. scary...

That DM is a real living legend..... <_<

I thought most DM is like that... :D

I like this article from Orpheus Dive web site.

How many type of divers are there? Well, there are a few that we like to name. See if you have even dive with any of such divers.

The Out of Air Diver

Typically seen attempting to wrestle their buddy whilst trying to grab onto their buddy alternate air source. They often try to look nonchalant as though this is a normal practise for him at the end of each dive.

Possibly a cocky divemaster trainee, who thought they didn't need to change their tank after the previous dive.

Equipment Diver

A walk advertising board for major diving brands. This diver is always fun to hang around with, both underwater and on land. They are easily identified with their yellow hoses, smell of new equipment and the latest digital camera.

The "Been There and Done That" Diver

This diver spends the entire day telling you about all the places that they have been diving and you can gurantee that whatever you see today, he would have seen a bigger and better example elsewhere. Once sated, they will go on to talk about house prices and mortages generally relevant to only their place of origin.

The Yoyo Diver

Can be hard to spot as they spend most of their time hurtling up and down from the surface, look for mushroom like cloud in the sand as they accelerate once more like a Polaris missile. If they do land on coral, they typicallu stick their hands into the most excruciating places.

The Hovering Diver

This diver usually, but not always, looks like Nutty Professor. Someone has told him to breathe continuously, but failed to mention that they may breath in and out more than once during the dive. How do you suck up 2.4 litres of air in one goal anyway? Are they storing it all up only to sell it on after the dive? Would they be a better diver if they were not built like Nutty?

The Remora Diver

This diver is a a Pain in your sorrie A*#. You can never get rid of them, no matter how hard you try.

Kick you in your face? Sure!

Knee you in the ^&$%? Always!

Stamp on your head? Guranteed!

Keep out of your way? NEVER!

The Missing Diver

A strange one to understand, this diver derives pleasure by maintaining a considerable distance, that means if you turn and stare really hard, you might just see him or her at the end range of the visibility. A strange way of spending a dive, not to mention your hard earned cash.

The Bottom Diver

Spends the whole dive kicking up the sand and silt, leaves a snail trail of debris behind them and can single handed turn 25 metre of visibility into Pulau Hantu. After the dive they usually comment on the excellent clarity of the water while everyone else tries to throw their fins over the side of the boat.


A seamless performer, moving with grace and precision. Able to hover motionless over a subject while the rest are struggling to do so. The best that a diver can be. Pleaseing on the eye in more ways than one. In a nutshell, the cream of the creme.

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  • SRC Member
Possibly a cocky divemaster trainee, who thought they didn't need to change their tank after the previous dive.

if that is the case, dun think he should be certified at all... being a DM, he/she should have realised her consumption of air and know whether will it be enuff for the next dive and not pose a risk to other divers under their care.. on the contrary, they should be the one looking after the divers and be the last to surface.. <_< very irresponsible

arrogance is simply accident waiting to happen.

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member


nowadays divemasters are produced like eggs

free for all

as long as u go $$$ u can be a divemaster.

the dm seems like nt dming anymore so i cannot say the name of the ds out.

Ps: there are some good dm not all dm are certified bcos of money

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Hmmm.... .... bery interesting.

Firstly, let me clarify the posting Yazid made. It was meant to be a personal experience and very much a joke for most of us to share.

Firstly, Divemasters are not produced like eggs. Eggs are borned not produced.

Secondly, it is not easy to acheive a PADI Divemaster status if the Instructor follows the training guidelines given by PADI.

Ask any of Orpheus Divemaster and they will tell you that training here is tough but yet fun at the same time.

We do not believe in mass producing PADI Divemasters but we do encourage people who has the confidence to take this bold step.

Indeed, I have to agree that I am sad that some of you have experience Divemasters are do not live up to their status. For that, I would like to apologize to most of you.

I am determined that whenever you dive with Orpheus, you thoughts of divemasters being arrogant and not up to standard would be change eventually.

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Actually, even if I was certified to DM level... I wouldn't want to announce it if I go diving on a leisure dive... you're are somehow automatically expected to keep an eye on the group... even IF they don't ask you to be helping out in the dive.

I will probably train to rescue level... just so that I can save others and myself... hmmm... reminds of me of Sipadan where I had to rescue my wife and her friend from being swept away and nearly drowned myself.

We were so pissed with the DM... and he had the cheek to show us a black face later on the boat.

We were diving at Barracuda Point.... as you know.. it's a drift dive along a rock wall... excellent dive... but towards the middle of the rock wall... the current got really strong and everyone was flying... the DM was between our group and three Russian divers who went off on their own.

Three ladies, one basic diver with my wife and another friend, both advanced. But the advanced diver friend is a really petite girl. Anyway... let's just say they got swept far ahead.

The DM gave a signal with his left hand pointing right... I understood that as go up the reefwall into the shallows.... I did... but the girls were too far away or didn't see his signal... so I had to speed ahead and tell them to go shallow... too late... they were swept out to open sea as the reefwall abruptly ended and turned right-angled... I think the girls mistook the hand signals as turn right... but once they reach the end of the ledge... they were in danger of being swept out to open sea.

So me with a camera... had to go after my wife and my friend.

I swam hard after her... grabbed her wrist and pulled her down the reefwall.. going deeper... she was surprised and didn't understand what I wanted to do... to reach the wall and climb upwards... so she struggled, broke free... and was swept away again... I grabbed her again and then I think she understood... kicking so hard...dragging my wife against the current... I reached the wall and we climbed up to the shallows where the current was milder... I then had to go back to get our petite friend who was holding on to a rock and flying like a leaf in strong wind... I dragged her and clawed up the rock wall.... too.

In the end... to cut a long story short... all that exertion left my heart pounding and left me out of air... and my dear wife had to swim off to look for the DM who was $#*& in the shallows all along and DIDN'T come for the girls.... he was waiting for the Russians!!!!!!

As I approach my wife and told her to share air with me... she struggled to find the alternate air source as she approached... too late... I sucked in hard and filled my lungs with nothing... and understood what it meant to drown because I swallowed water in a reflex action to breath again... as I grabbed her primary....choking.... and man.... to breathe air again... I thought I was gonna drown!

Luckily it was the last dive of the day.... we were so exhausted and so mad at the DM who had the cheek to scold the girls for disappearing on him. We just kept quiet because we were so shook up.

I wonder what you DMs would do... knowing that there are girls being swept away (and one of them being just a basic diver) and go after them... or wait in the shallows for the rest of the group to catch up?

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  • SRC Member

Wow! what a story...

I'm still wandering what a Suunto Mosquito got to do with DM..

It is a scary and exhausting experience. But your experience, knowledge and cool headedness save the day.

Lesson learnt: Be Calm!

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  • SRC Member
Hmmm.... .... bery interesting.

Firstly, let me clarify the posting Yazid made. It was meant to be a personal experience and very much a joke for most of us to share.

Firstly, Divemasters are not produced like eggs. Eggs are borned not produced.

Secondly, it is not easy to acheive a PADI Divemaster status if the Instructor follows the training guidelines given by PADI.

Ask any of Orpheus Divemaster and they will tell you that training here is tough but yet fun at the same time.

We do not believe in mass producing PADI Divemasters but we do encourage people who has the confidence to take this bold step.

Indeed, I have to agree that I am sad that some of you have experience Divemasters are do not live up to their status. For that, I would like to apologize to most of you.

I am determined that whenever you dive with Orpheus, you thoughts of divemasters being arrogant and not up to standard would be change eventually.

I've seen DM trained by Orpheus. 3 words.

Tough! Tough! Tough!

Congrats for maintaining and ensuring the highest standard.

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  • SRC Member


From a standpoint of a noob in diving like me, I would find out whats the dive site like first before even embark on the dive trip. If its really too tough, would properly gather more experience in other location first before going for the dive.

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  • SRC Member
Wow! what a story...

I'm still wandering what a Suunto Mosquito got to do with DM..

hahaha..perhaps the DM was using one??? :lol::lol:

:off: nevertheless, i experienced something similar.. the stupid DM kept wanting to fight the current.. madness, and before i knew it, my buddy had been swept away as well.. and we just followed the drill and surface up to reunite...

needless to say, we are all very pissed... best part, the DM did not know that we had surfaced until someone told him... a real champion!!!! :angry:

just like to add that, sometimes u enjoy your dive trip, sometime u dun... :erm:

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member
Indeed, I have to agree that I am sad that some of you have experience Divemasters are do not live up to their status. For that, I would like to apologize to most of you.

there is nothing to apologise abt, lester.. no worries on that.. it is not like all the DMs come from your "factory"... :lol: if so, it is a different story...

from what i know, sometime, u can take DM course in a couple of weeks in Thailand... that leaves something to suspect on the quality.

what we shared is from our experiences.. take me for example, it was with another dive school for that matter...

Personally, i felt that as DM and above, like what AT had mentioned, u have higher responsibility towards the dive grp and u have a certain 'status' which other divers will look up to and modelled themselves after... thus, it is impt to set good examples.

LBE = Leadership By Examples...... ;)

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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From a standpoint of a noob in diving like me, I would find out whats the dive site like first before even embark on the dive trip. If its really too tough, would properly gather more experience in other location first before going for the dive.

Agreed. But that wasn't our first drift dive at Barracuda Point.

But different DM. He did point out that the current that day at BP would be strong... we were aware... what we were angry about is that he knew we have basic diver and they were ladies.

He should have gone after the girls instead of just me alone.

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oops... sorry Yazid... we went off topic!!

Hmmm... did I mention that I use a Uwatec Aladin Pro Ultra?

Good comp... kenna kapoh by wife for the last few dives already!! :(

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  • SRC Member

Agreed. But that wasn't our first drift dive at Barracuda Point.

But different DM. He did point out that the current that day at BP would be strong... we were aware... what we were angry about is that he knew we have basic diver and they were ladies.

He should have gone after the girls instead of just me alone.

Well, we all have our bad experience. I had mine. For me, I choose to think again to go back the operator again. No use blaming people when its already happened.

Sometime give a piece of your mind to them can help to some extent :lol:

Like i screw up some ISP ytd for their bad service.

:off: sorry ah Yazid :bow:

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  • SRC Member
He should have gone after the girls instead of just me alone.

lucky AT added the front part, if not, it sounds funny.. machiam like AT is a lecher.. hahaha.. :lol:

OK, Yazid, me dun know whether i told u this, me using Aladin Pro Nitrox

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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I have two mossies waiting for u in the office. Come by and see which one you prefer.

There are many other choices of dive computers you can pick from

Suunto Stinger and Mossie

Apollo Nano

Alladin (many models)

Dive Rite

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  • SRC Member
how much for stinger??

y?? thinking of switching??? wanna let go your Vyper? PM me.. :P

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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