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Jerry's 30"x30"x20" (not quite a cube)


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Hi fellow reefers,

Thought its time I start a thread on my tank. I have been out of the reefing community for about 3-4 years and now coming back to the hobby. The new tank is a shallow W30" by D30" by H20" and official cycling started slightly more than a month back. Most of the live rocks used are transferred from my previous 3' x 2' x 2' which have been left under the maintenance (or lack of) by my brother. Here are some pics taken initially:





The remaining life stocks from the previous tank which include 2 true percs, 1 Fiji blue devil damsel, 1 Randall goby and a couple of snails were transferred to their new home after about 3 weeks of cycling.


Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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Here's an update today, 33 days after start of tank cycling (photo intensive):















Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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And I am nervous about this new addition today:



Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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Thanks! I actually thought it is kinda cluttered in my sump cabinet.

Nice. Saw the tank setup. Very nice n neat.


Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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Went LFS visiting and couldn't resist the temptation to add more corals:





And FTS update:




And the Kole Tang seems to be doing well and pecking all over the place, but still not really taking food from the water column



Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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Thanks! I am new to SPS. Still got much to learn from the experts around here.


Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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Finally decided to try with the hood removed (had intended it to be rimless but tank maker made the hood by mistake).

Below is a fts taken today.



Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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To share some of the photos taken tonight.

Zoas under blue light:


FTS under blue light:


2 out of 3 Bangai cardinals (seems like the other one has been outcast and these 2 tends to stay together):


2 out of the 4 Bartlett Anthiases I got from Iwarna last weekend - beautiful fishes:



Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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wah... so nice.

Thanks for sharing

Wow that does look nice :)

Thanks bros!

Wit hood or without hood, ur tank stil look nice... 

Thanks. I am liking the look without hood more now. At least it feels less obstructive.


Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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without hood definitely less obstructive!! :) looks a nice little setup you have there. :)

Thanks for the positive feedback. By the way, I like your tank (or tanks) too!


Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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nice photography!!!!! you managed to capture all the details in 1 pic! awesome tank too!

Thanks! I still find it difficult to get the white balance right with LED lighting - still playing around.


Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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  • SRC Member


Finally decided to try with the hood removed (had intended it to be rimless but tank maker made the hood by mistake).

Below is a fts taken today.


will be easier to do maintainece w/o hood...i like your rockscape.. looks very natural... i always like big rocks

Main Tank: 5 x 1 x 1

Return from overflow: Eheim compact+ 5000

Lighting: 2x 54W T5

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1350

Chiller: Arctica 1/10

Wave Maker: Tunze Nano Wavebox & Tunze 6055 with Photocell
Monitor 1: American Marine Pinpoint pH monitor
Monitor 2: American Marine Pinpoint Temperature monitor

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I agree without hood looks better.

Nice fish and colors

Thanks! But can't say I am thrilled with the colors yet. Most of the corals (SPS) either started out brown or are browning out even though I do notice some growth. I suspect its probably due to the rather high NO3 (it was around 9ppm at a few weeks ago after the cycling period and has since dropped to about 1-2 ppm). I read and was told that SPS needs low nutrients (undetectable N03) to sustain colors? PO4 is undetectable using Salifert test kit. Well, I guess its not that unusual considering the tank is only about 2 months.

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Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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will be easier to do maintainece w/o hood...i like your rockscape.. looks very natural... i always like big rocks

I like big rocks too and my intention here is to get a few big rocks and kinda scatter them around.


Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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  • SRC Member

very nice scaping on the 2 isles.. reminds me of a portion of Lemon's tank.. love this kinda scapings..

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very nice scaping on the 2 isles.. reminds me of a portion of Lemon's tank.. love this kinda scapings..

I was, still am, inspired by Lemon's tank and his collection of fishes, but his tank has more flexibility in terms of size. My previous tank has more of a rock wall filled with coral look, so I thought I want to go for slightly more open scape. But I think the openness will be gone with more corals added in.


Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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Did some macro shots under blue light tonight. Hope you guys enjoy ...




By the way, anyone knows what species is the coral in the second pic?


Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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