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Hoot a BK double cone 200


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  • SRC Member

Never have I foresee I would dump in the $ for a BK. Had always been self modifying the impellers but outcome is always not I expected.

Inititally was planning to upgrade my tank to a rimless 3 or 4 footer but would have to put on hold at the moment. There were moments I was abt to give up reefing but somehow I stayed on.

Maybe I'm would rather try to spend $ on the real fish in a fish tank, then a human in a fish tank, if you get what I mean. Ultimately, everyone needs to have a hobby.

The nite I was ordering the BK, I had a hard time trying to click the "checkout" button. Discussing with my wife and showing her that this is the so-called "louis vitton of skimmers."

Why I choose LV as a comparison is cos my wife is a LV fan.

I always wonder why she is so happy with an LV. Guess I know why now. Was having sleepless nites and checking the shipment status every now & then. Finally, it's here, after 7 days of waiting.

The parcel





Tank size:36"x36"x24"

Return pump" 2x Reef Octo 5000

Skimmer:BK Double Cone 200 on Reef Octopus DC 5500s.

Wavemaker:2xVortech MP40wES

Chemical filtration:1xeducator FR(biopellets)

Chiller:1hp Daikin compressor.

Lighting:2 x Kessil A360we

Auto topup system: JBJ ATO + new jet 1200

Dosing system: Kamoer 3 channel.

Additives: ESV 2 part.

Power consumption

2XReef Octo 5000: 120watts

BK skimmer:50watts

2xVortech wavemaker:70watts

Daikin compressor:775watts


Ato system:21watts

Exhaust fans:16watts

Refugium light:27watts

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... then a human in a fish tank, if you get what I mean. Ultimately, everyone needs to have a hobby.

I like! Good thing it's not a hobby though.

BTW, BK skimmers not available locally?

Materialism :- He who dies with the most toys, wins.

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  • SRC Member

I like! Good thing it's not a hobby though.

BTW, BK skimmers not available locally?

i know reef depot sells. But there are some other selling when I was looking high n low for it.

But for double cone model, seems like no one brings in.

Been busy with my work. Going to remove a panel in my sump to have more space to installation

Tank size:36"x36"x24"

Return pump" 2x Reef Octo 5000

Skimmer:BK Double Cone 200 on Reef Octopus DC 5500s.

Wavemaker:2xVortech MP40wES

Chemical filtration:1xeducator FR(biopellets)

Chiller:1hp Daikin compressor.

Lighting:2 x Kessil A360we

Auto topup system: JBJ ATO + new jet 1200

Dosing system: Kamoer 3 channel.

Additives: ESV 2 part.

Power consumption

2XReef Octo 5000: 120watts

BK skimmer:50watts

2xVortech wavemaker:70watts

Daikin compressor:775watts


Ato system:21watts

Exhaust fans:16watts

Refugium light:27watts

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  • SRC Member

How is the feeling own owning a LV skimmer? Lol!

Great quality. Performance wise not sure yet cos not yet install. Maybe too much for my 82gal tank. Had read tat bk price is few times high but performance not few times more than other skimmer.

I choose bk over sro is due to the pump.

Likewise I had spent on countleS's powerheads but nothing bests a vortech, low heat transfer n less space used.

Electricity rates keep going up... to maintain hobby need spend on more energy eff parts.

Tank size:36"x36"x24"

Return pump" 2x Reef Octo 5000

Skimmer:BK Double Cone 200 on Reef Octopus DC 5500s.

Wavemaker:2xVortech MP40wES

Chemical filtration:1xeducator FR(biopellets)

Chiller:1hp Daikin compressor.

Lighting:2 x Kessil A360we

Auto topup system: JBJ ATO + new jet 1200

Dosing system: Kamoer 3 channel.

Additives: ESV 2 part.

Power consumption

2XReef Octo 5000: 120watts

BK skimmer:50watts

2xVortech wavemaker:70watts

Daikin compressor:775watts


Ato system:21watts

Exhaust fans:16watts

Refugium light:27watts

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  • SRC Member

This is how big the collection cup is ....IMG_20111015_083543.jpg

After 1 day of running



The white tip of the pump is used to adjust the air and water ratio, according to some chinese websites. Fully screw in is minimum. Still unsure which is the optimum. Somehow when the tip is screw out alot, u can see some big bubbles in the reaction chamber.

Thankfully the 1000l rated skimmer able to pull up some scum from my 82gal tank. Was afraid over capacity.

The red tubing near to the silencer is for ozone injection.


As a panel was removed to make room, there's no tray to put filter wool and carbon. So bought this from NTUC and drill more holes. So top tray for wool and 2nd tray for carbon.


Tank size:36"x36"x24"

Return pump" 2x Reef Octo 5000

Skimmer:BK Double Cone 200 on Reef Octopus DC 5500s.

Wavemaker:2xVortech MP40wES

Chemical filtration:1xeducator FR(biopellets)

Chiller:1hp Daikin compressor.

Lighting:2 x Kessil A360we

Auto topup system: JBJ ATO + new jet 1200

Dosing system: Kamoer 3 channel.

Additives: ESV 2 part.

Power consumption

2XReef Octo 5000: 120watts

BK skimmer:50watts

2xVortech wavemaker:70watts

Daikin compressor:775watts


Ato system:21watts

Exhaust fans:16watts

Refugium light:27watts

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  • SRC Member

Day 6 of running. Refer to video.



So far only clean the neck of the skimmer. One good thing about a large diameter neck is cleaning is easy. Just reduce the water level and the hand can fully stick into the neck and wipe out the scum.

My black clown & bali clown(was told that it's from bali) spawning

So far they have spawn quite a no of times... but never get to see the frys....

Tank size:36"x36"x24"

Return pump" 2x Reef Octo 5000

Skimmer:BK Double Cone 200 on Reef Octopus DC 5500s.

Wavemaker:2xVortech MP40wES

Chemical filtration:1xeducator FR(biopellets)

Chiller:1hp Daikin compressor.

Lighting:2 x Kessil A360we

Auto topup system: JBJ ATO + new jet 1200

Dosing system: Kamoer 3 channel.

Additives: ESV 2 part.

Power consumption

2XReef Octo 5000: 120watts

BK skimmer:50watts

2xVortech wavemaker:70watts

Daikin compressor:775watts


Ato system:21watts

Exhaust fans:16watts

Refugium light:27watts

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