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Missing Pedigree CAT. Cash Reward if found


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Hi there,

I"m helping a good friend of mine post this Ad. Her Cat has gone missing since Last night the 11th of October 2011.


Details :

British Long Hair Cat, $1000 reward if information leads to the cat being found.

Last seen at 10.30am at Block 4 Everton Park

The cat is microchipped

Name of cat is BAILEYS

Bailey's is having diarrhoea at the moment

Please PLEASE call Jemy at 9638 5130 if you live around the area and see the cat. If you can even catch it and hold it for her to come and collect, she would be forever grateful.

Thank you. :)

Cheers, ;)


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spread the word if you can. my friend is very VERY heartbroken....

Tell your friend to remain positive. My cat went missing for close to 2 weeks without food & water but it was found just a little skinny.

Always something more important than fish.


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