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Hi all,

I just started reading up on keeping a marine reef aquarium. To be honest, I'm very very overwhelmed by the terminology, jargon and technical aspects of setting up and maintaining a reef system.

While I will continue to read up on the internet, I am looking for a good and patient store owner/staff that can help give good advice. I still prefer a face-to-face chat. I have another hurdle: I live around the clementi/ghim moh area and there isn't a decent marine fish store around. If anyone can recommend a good store for me to check out, I will be very grateful. I do not drive, so being close to clementi area will help greatly.

I know reefers around the world preach about bigger is better (tank size due to water/environment stability), but due to the physical area constraint, I am unable to manage a big tank. So I was looking at either the 28g JBJ nano or the RSM 130D. Does anyone know local stores that carry either? Or do I have to make an overseas purchase via the internet?

Thanks very much in advance. Any advice/help would be most appreciated.



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I've pmed you.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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  • SRC Member

bro.. have you considered non all in one tank that you can include a sump? A sump really is another tank which is normally placed below the display tank to allow more space for filtration and equipements such as skimmer and return pumps..

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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Go visit Henry@ML.. started my marine 8 years back from there also.. good service, good fish and friendly place..

Meanwhile if you have any question, you can post them online or search for them we have sticky topic on ways to start a marine tank.. I would recommend you on getting a custom make tank with sump rather than getting a all in one tank.. it will save you more trouble in the future.

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Thanks for all the advice guys. Appreciate the support.

I'll definitely check in with ML when I can get off work a bit early.

Wrt to getting a bigger tank or a sump, I'm really doubtful as I really have a very small area to work with. Also have a lot of restrictions when we talk about having frequent access to the area below the tank. If the rsm130 or jbj 28g (or something similar sized) doesn't work out, I don't think I can start the hobby yet. It's a reality I have come to accept and while I know there are limitations to these all in ones, it may be the best option for now.

Still not shutting the door on customs though! Will do more research!

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You can custom make a tank with an internal overflow system pretty similar to ready made ones like you have mentioned. Once you have decided on the type of equipment to use, you can start planning for the dimensions of the filter compartment. You are open to more choices this way.

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I am not wrong RSM 130D is the size of a 2ft cube with that space you can custom make a tank that will last you years and save you a lot of troubles... The ease of finding a equipment that can fit your sump and the stability of the tank..

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I am not wrong RSM 130D is the size of a 2ft cube with that space you can custom make a tank that will last you years and save you a lot of troubles... The ease of finding a equipment that can fit your sump and the stability of the tank..

Thanks mate. Appreciate the advice and tips. Just a tad worried by your comments about customs lasting me years and saving trouble. Would getting something like the jbj or rsm Be more short term and fill with problems? Now a bit scared leh......:)

Looking as much as possible into the near future, it will be very very very unlikely that I have any chance of upgrading to something bigger or more sophisticated. I wouldn't be gearing myself up to expand or upgrade. That I am certain of. So ability to expand or become more sophisticated is not a concern for me.

But if getting a rsm or jbj type of system will create problems in maintaining a stable and healthy system, then I will run away from them quick quick!

It may sound very simple-minded or naive but all I am looking for is a simple basic reef system. I don't wish to keep exotic fish/corals, just simple, gentle/friendly and easily adaptable ones. I also don't wish to have many fish (maybe 4 Or 5 max?). I kind of a have a mindset now that if I want to maintain more fish/corals, my early start to this hobby will become more complicated than I asked for. Looking to minimize the hassle and complications.

What do you guys think? Am I kiddin myself? :ThanxSmiley:

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  • SRC Member

Check out the 1.5ft cube tank set from DE Lightings (one of our forum sponsors). That would be pretty simple and compact, yet have better options to choose from in terms of equipment as opposed to the JBJ or RSM. You can visit Nanoreef.com for more ideas on small reef tanks.

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Thanks mate. Appreciate the advice and tips. Just a tad worried by your comments about customs lasting me years and saving trouble. Would getting something like the jbj or rsm Be more short term and fill with problems? Now a bit scared leh......:)

Looking as much as possible into the near future, it will be very very very unlikely that I have any chance of upgrading to something bigger or more sophisticated. I wouldn't be gearing myself up to expand or upgrade. That I am certain of. So ability to expand or become more sophisticated is not a concern for me.

But if getting a rsm or jbj type of system will create problems in maintaining a stable and healthy system, then I will run away from them quick quick!

It may sound very simple-minded or naive but all I am looking for is a simple basic reef system. I don't wish to keep exotic fish/corals, just simple, gentle/friendly and easily adaptable ones. I also don't wish to have many fish (maybe 4 Or 5 max?). I kind of a have a mindset now that if I want to maintain more fish/corals, my early start to this hobby will become more complicated than I asked for. Looking to minimize the hassle and complications.

What do you guys think? Am I kiddin myself? :ThanxSmiley:

Not say it is short term or problematic but getting equipments such as skimmer,FR is difficult for these all in one tank... As it limited in space and you will have problem sourcing your equipment and if they can fit in the compartment, they will be hanging so it will be not very nice, it is better to have a sump and place everything inside much neater too..

And those all in one tank trap heat easily as it is covered and sometimes the fans just do not work as well and the lighting is pretty much fixed... It is more of the limitation that it gives you problems..

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Check out the 1.5ft cube tank set from DE Lightings (one of our forum sponsors). That would be pretty simple and compact, yet have better options to choose from in terms of equipment as opposed to the JBJ or RSM. You can visit Nanoreef.com for more ideas on small reef tanks.

Yes, you can check with Dr_evil on that, there is 3 packages to the cube tank.. I believe he also can custom make other size with different specifications...

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After checking out several LFS, I'm still drawn to the rsm130. I know many people will say I am siao or goondu but I really like how the tank looks + the size is just nice for me.

Can any rsm130 owners give me some advice? Like what are the essential mods and what to specifically look out for in setting up the rsm 130.

I went to one LFS that carries rsm but they sell it in a package which several things that I don't intend to get. Will check again if they sell just the tank. What is a reasonable or fair price to pay for a rsm130/130d?

Thinking of getting a Tunze 9002 and a bad ###### wave maker. Read that I'll need a media rack to complement the Tunze and so it fits in the rsm neatly. Any racks to recommend?

Advice always welcome!! Thanks everyone!

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Its up to you really.. LOL.. if you think it suits you better you should go ahead with it.. the bros here are coming from the point of view of easier maintainence and overall experience.. still one man food is another man poison!

Think there isnt much RSM owners here in SG.. i believe the RSM do come with a skimmer yeah? Believe the skimmer might be good enough..

check out nano-reef forum.. they have pretty good information you can read up about nano reefing.. Good Luck!:thumbsup:


A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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Yes sir! You are? :blink:

Haha! I'm one of the guys who races m-chassis in tac, but I haven't raced at all this year. Getting too old. I think this suits me better, I'm just starting too, and it's a bit less expensive and much easier. I think I'll call this hobby high tech gardening for old folks. :blink:

I've spend months lurking and reading (here and google), but here's what I can advise you with confidence (a bro here, Wilson Tan's first advice for me), go BIG and go SLOW and you won't fail so easily. Remember just starting out in the other hobby and we bought RTRs? Damn waste money after a month right? Same here. So go as big as you can afford without going crazy.

I'm sure you've received some help through PM, I wish they'll PM me too <_<

Materialism :- He who dies with the most toys, wins.

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LOL.. Bro Resser.. If you got questions just ask here lah..

Swee! I hijack thread liow haha. May I ask which is the least leychey and confirm can work (see no algae) method to control Nitrate /Phosphate? I really can't decide, water change is out, my back cannot tahan.

1) Algae Scrubber

2) Biopellet + P04 reactor

3) Vodka Dosing

4) Biodigest Dosing

I haven't started designing the sump, but I have to make space if I want (1) or (2). I think (2) damn expensive. How :(

Some people has certain methods that works for them but some can't make it work. All information from overseas sites, but locally, not much people swears by anything at all. I would like some ideas from local guys, perhaps our air is bit different or something :lol:

Materialism :- He who dies with the most toys, wins.

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Haha! I'm one of the guys who races m-chassis in tac, but I haven't raced at all this year. Getting too old. I think this suits me better, I'm just starting too, and it's a bit less expensive and much easier. I think I'll call this hobby high tech gardening for old folks. :blink:

I've spend months lurking and reading (here and google), but here's what I can advise you with confidence (a bro here, Wilson Tan's first advice for me), go BIG and go SLOW and you won't fail so easily. Remember just starting out in the other hobby and we bought RTRs? Damn waste money after a month right? Same here. So go as big as you can afford without going crazy.

I'm sure you've received some help through PM, I wish they'll PM me too <_<


Wise words bro!

But I never went RTR.......couldn't stand those ready made stuff! Haahaa.....but seriously lor...I am already going as big as I can go. I got limited area. Provisional license some more....so better be guai guai.....

Hobby is meant to be fun, and the guys here have so far been nice to me. Always good to throw up questions and ask for advice. I have loads to learn from everyone. So will take a step at a time.

You got your tank already?

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  • SRC Member

Hi Violent Mind.....i mean Violet Mind,

I would not recommend RSM tanks...quite restrictive if you intend to change / upgrade the equipments in future, although it is relatively easy becoz it is build for "plug and reef" kind of model.

Basically, u need to know for reef tanks there are 3 types of fileration - biological, chemical and mechanical.

Biological, we mean the use of bacteria to break down nutrients into harmless nitrogen (NO3)by using liverocks, pellets, bacteria dosing, bio rings refugium system, etc...

Chemical, for eg, the use of po4 remover such as rowaphos.

Mechanical, for eg, the use of filter wool, filter socks and protein skimmers.

And all these types of filteration can be deploy using a sump. Usually reefers use a combination of these methods.

Besides SRC, you can also check out www.reefcentral.com

When u visit the LFS, you can study the tank and the sump system and take some pics for reference.

Make some friends here, they will help u alot in yr reefing hobby....never walk alone....cheers!

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