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Misc Sales to Clear Store room


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Hope to clear off all this items as fast as possible:

1. Aqua Medic Nitratoreductor (closed version) with SP3000 dosing pump. Price:$100

2. Seio M1100. Price:$15

3.Iwaki Magnet pump MD-30RM (Brand New). Price: $250

4. WeiPro 5000. Price:$30

5. Atman AT-107. Price: $40

6. Hydor L40 (2800l/hr) Price:$30

7. Hydor L35 (1700 l/hr) Price:$25

8. Koralia (2800 l/hr) Price:$25

9. Gripper/tweezer Price:$5

10. Big boy air pump. Price:$2

11. Undergravel filter (Brand new) $5

12. Octozin & Cuprazin (almost new) $10

13. PurpleUp (brand new) $18

14. Bundle set $10

15. Fish trap $3

16. 2 x 4ft T5 (12K lighting, brand new) $20

15.Kalkawaser(new) + reefbuilder(half) $5

Interested please SMS me at 93395364 to arrange collection at Yishun St61, Blk 643. FCFS.


















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Hope to clear off all this items as fast as possible:

1. Aqua Medic Nitratoreductor (closed version) with SP3000 dosing pump. Price:$100 motor found to be faulty, Not for sale

2. Seio M1100. Price:$15 sold

3.Iwaki Magnet pump MD-30RM (Brand New). Price: $250

4. WeiPro 5000. Price:$30

5. Atman AT-107. Price: $40

6. Hydor L40 (2800l/hr) Price:$30 reserved

7. Hydor L35 (1700 l/hr) Price:$25

8. Koralia (2800 l/hr) Price:$25 sold

9. Gripper/tweezer Price:$5 reserved

10. Big boy air pump. Price:$2

11. Undergravel filter (Brand new) $5

12. Octozin & Cuprazin (almost new) $10

13. PurpleUp (brand new) $18

14. Bundle set $10

15. Fish trap $3 reserved

16. 2 x 4ft T5 (12K lighting, brand new) $20

15.Kalkawaser(new) + reefbuilder(half) $5

Interested please SMS me at 93395364 to arrange collection at Yishun St61, Blk 643. FCFS.

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Hope to clear off all this items as fast as possible:

1. Aqua Medic Nitratoreductor (closed version) with SP3000 dosing pump. Price:$100 motor found to be faulty, Not for sale

2. Seio M1100. Price:$15 sold

3.Iwaki Magnet pump MD-30RM (Brand New). Price: $250

4. WeiPro 5000. Price:$30

5. Atman AT-107. Price: $40

6. Hydor L40 (2800l/hr) Price:$30 reserved

7. Hydor L35 (1700 l/hr) Price:$25

8. Koralia (2800 l/hr) Price:$25 sold

9. Gripper/tweezer Price:$5 sold

10. Big boy air pump. Price:$2

11. Undergravel filter (Brand new) $5

12. Octozin & Cuprazin (almost new) $10

13. PurpleUp (brand new) $18 reserved

14. Bundle set $10

15. Fish trap $3 reserved

16. 2 x 4ft T5 (12K lighting, brand new) $20

15.Kalkawaser(new) + reefbuilder(half) $5

Interested please SMS me at 93395364 to arrange collection at Yishun St61, Blk 643. FCFS.

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Updates & Prices revised

Hope to clear off all this items as fast as possible:

1. Aqua Medic Nitratoreductor (closed version) with SP3000 dosing pump. Price:$100 motor found to be faulty, Not for sale

2. Seio M1100. Price:$15 sold

3.Iwaki Magnet pump MD-30RM (Brand New). Price: $250

4. WeiPro 5000. Price:$30

5. Atman AT-107. Price: $30

6. Hydor L40 (2800l/hr) Price:$30 reserved

7. Hydor L35 (1700 l/hr) Price:$25

8. Koralia (2800 l/hr) Price:$25 sold

9. Gripper/tweezer Price:$5 sold

10. Big boy air pump. (foc)

11. Undergravel filter (Brand new)foc

12. Octozin & Cuprazin (almost new) $10

13. PurpleUp (brand new) $18 sold

14. Bundle set $10

15. Fish trap $3 reserved

16. 2 x 4ft T5 (12K lighting, brand new) $20

15.Kalkawaser(new) + reefbuilder(half) $5

Interested please SMS me at 93395364 to arrange collection at Yishun St61, Blk 643. FCFS.

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Updates & Prices revised

Hope to clear off all this items as fast as possible:

1. Aqua Medic Nitratoreductor (closed version) with SP3000 dosing pump. Price:$100 motor found to be faulty, Not for sale

2. Seio M1100. Price:$15 sold

3.Iwaki Magnet pump MD-30RM (Brand New). Price: $250 reserved

4. WeiPro 5000. Price:$30 reserved

5. Atman AT-107. Price: $30

6. Hydor L40 (2800l/hr) Price:$30 sold

7. Hydor L35 (1700 l/hr) Price:$25

8. Koralia (2800 l/hr) Price:$25 sold

9. Gripper/tweezer Price:$5 sold

10. Big boy air pump. (foc)

11. Undergravel filter (Brand new)foc

12. Octozin & Cuprazin (almost new) $10

13. PurpleUp (brand new) $18 sold

14. Bundle set $10

15. Fish trap $3 sold

16. 2 x 4ft T5 (12K lighting, brand new) $20

15.Kalkawaser(new) + reefbuilder(half) $5

Interested please SMS me at 93395364 to arrange collection at Yishun St61, Blk 643. FCFS.

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