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Black Tang 10" for Sale @ $2000


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yeah sure DHL over ALL the fishes PLUS the tank too...


It comes in a package...

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Look at TS 2nd pic and Lemon's pic 2 posts after his post of the BT. You will see that both pics have a perforated circular grating used typically by stockists for overflow or drainage. They are identical and I have not seen these for sale anywhere in Singapore hardware/DIY/plumbing shops before. Has anyone?

The fish in TS posts are of an unusual concentration for a DT. More like a stockist's tank and looking at the water level, it seems quite shallow to be a DT. Unless the owner of the fish in Sentosa Cove keeps them in a holding/QT tank before transferring them to the DT or catches out all the fish during maintenance which is highly unlikely. Maybe decomming? The blue painted tank looks like a professional setup and is definitely not a DT... <_<

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There is always two sides to a story, there is no need to jump to conclusion so fast without any investigation or explanations from the TS even though there might be none and none of us know Uncle Jon personally to make any unbiased judgements... And he stated he is selling on behalf of a fren, and no one actually went down to view the fish, so we dunno if it is true or not..

MOD is NOT GOD, members can post what they want all we can do is moniter and take action when there is a need... We wun know if he is a scammer, reselller or not untill there is proof from other members that it is true...

Pls refer to TS post #41. He claimed he HAS TAKEN the pic during the tank maintenance!

It is very obvious what he is up to now. We all know the biggest black tang over 8" brought in by LCK is not even sold near 1k. To sell at 2k he can still make a big profit after minus all the freight charge.

But u r right, no need to conclude so soon. I like to see how this story develop from here onwards. It'll be interesting if the TS can come up with a satisfactory explanation.

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Pls refer to TS post #41. He claimed he HAS TAKEN the pic during the tank maintenance!

It is very obvious what he is up to now. We all know the biggest black tang over 8" brought in by LCK is not even sold near 1k. To sell at 2k he can still make a big profit after minus all the freight charge.

But u r right, no need to conclude so soon. I like to see how this story develop from here onwards. It'll be interesting if the TS can come up with a satisfactory explanation.

The photo might not be from him, maybe from his fren...

We all know what he is doing, but it is always fair to hear what he have to say about it if he have something to say, but unlikely, if he MIA we will just let this pass as there is no ppl who are actually scammed by him and will take note of his IP, he can create a new account but thru the IP we can see if it is the same user...

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Probably got a quote from the LFS at $XXX, post here to sell at $XXXX and check for potential buyers, once confirmed, can even deliver to doorstep => profit.

Sounds like another reefer that I know

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Probably got a quote from the LFS at $XXX, post here to sell at $XXXX and check for potential buyers, once confirmed, can even deliver to doorstep => profit.

If I were the buyer...for a $XXXX fish, I will definitely want to see the fish first before confirm the deal... for this case, he will never get pass the gate.... :thumbdown:


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The photo might not be from him, maybe from his fren...

We all know what he is doing, but it is always fair to hear what he have to say about it if he have something to say, but unlikely, if he MIA we will just let this pass as there is no ppl who are actually scammed by him and will take note of his IP, he can create a new account but thru the IP we can see if it is the same user...

This thread is still alive!

Are we still waiting for Thread Starter response?

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okie guys..........apologies for the late reply............been busy this week..........anyone who really wan to know the reason/explanation please PM me directly and I will explain it to you.......and hope this matter can come to a closure.......but its reli up to the individual to understand the issue as I can see many versions being churned up........and to those bros who cannot accept the reason........then I am sorie to post this ad in the first place.......Thanks..........

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i saw a 10inch blue atlantic tang in sealife yesterday...not too sure if that is the fish...haha

Showing In 3D at all cinemas soon...

"The mystery of black tang continues..."

This uncalled for, any matured adult would refrain from posting unrelated things just for the fun, there is a limit to these things... There is a kopi tiam forum for member to relax and chat about any unrelated so post in the right forum if not what are these sub forums for, display ah?

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okie guys..........apologies for the late reply............been busy this week..........anyone who really wan to know the reason/explanation please PM me directly and I will explain it to you.......and hope this matter can come to a closure.......but its reli up to the individual to understand the issue as I can see many versions being churned up........and to those bros who cannot accept the reason........then I am sorie to post this ad in the first place.......Thanks..........

We will pm you and please provide us a good explanation on this as there will be consequences...

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Guys, Please refrain from posting any unrelated posting until an explanation is given us on this incident...

why dont close/lock this thread ... it is pointless ....

Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

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This uncalled for, any matured adult would refrain from posting unrelated things just for the fun, there is a limit to these things... There is a kopi tiam forum for member to relax and chat about any unrelated so post in the right forum if not what are these sub forums for, display ah?

Yoz Terry, IMHO should try to ease off abit. Most of us are here in src because of the hobby, and not some serious committee/work related thingy. Im sure everyone is curious to know the real story too, which is why this thread is still alive.

Just chill, relax n everyone enjoy the hobby tog! I'm sure src wouldn't be where it is today if everyone is so serious and uptight.

My 2 cents worth, dun flame me! N back to uncle Jon, I think it's better to give everyone an explanation here instead of pm to clear things up. I'm sure if it was an honest mistake, let's just accept it and move on (pun not intended).

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Yoz Terry, IMHO should try to ease off abit. Most of us are here in src because of the hobby, and not some serious committee/work related thingy. Im sure everyone is curious to know the real story too, which is why this thread is still alive.

Just chill, relax n everyone enjoy the hobby tog! I'm sure src wouldn't be where it is today if everyone is so serious and uptight.

My 2 cents worth, dun flame me! N back to uncle Jon, I think it's better to give everyone an explanation here instead of pm to clear things up. I'm sure if it was an honest mistake, let's just accept it and move on (pun not intended).

Yupz, but there is limit to things, there is a lot of unrelated chit chat and sarcastic remarks from reefers that is unnecessary, How would you feel if you are trying to sell something and reefers come in and dilute the post and do un-related and nonconstructive remarks... I am sure there are other ways to relax and enjoy the hobby other than diluting other people and making sarcastic remarks? I not being so serious and uptight, just to keep some sort of order in the forum...

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Yupz, but there is limit to things, there is a lot of unrelated chit chat and sarcastic remarks from reefers that is unnecessary, How would you feel if you are trying to sell something and reefers come in and dilute the post and do un-related and nonconstructive remarks... I am sure there are other ways to relax and enjoy the hobby other than diluting other people and making sarcastic remarks? I not being so serious and uptight, just to keep some sort of order in the forum...

If the seller was genuine in the first place would there be such "unnecessary" chit chat? look at all other thread on Pasar Malam.. Not many people would say much no? Unless you consider remarks like "Ups", "Bumps", and "nice corals bro" to be unnecessary and non constructive too?

IMHO all the reefers here are here to learn and share the experience as well as frags/fishes which they have found.. if everthing has to be pegged to such rigid rules and environment i wouldnt be such a nice "family" feeling in this forum anymore.. just my 2cents worth.. :peace:

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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If the seller was genuine in the first place would there be such "unnecessary" chit chat? look at all other thread on Pasar Malam.. Not many people would say much no?

That is why we need the seller or thread starter to provide an explanation publicly and then the MOD to quickly take action and close the thread if necessary. And not to leave things hanging and everyone guessing and jumping to conclusions. The MODs are the authorities, but if our MODs are too passive and lax then this kind of thread will definitely not be the last!

Sincerely hope the MOD team can quickly provide us with a satisfactory conclusion to this thread.

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If the seller was genuine in the first place would there be such "unnecessary" chit chat? look at all other thread on Pasar Malam.. Not many people would say much no? Unless you consider remarks like "Ups", "Bumps", and "nice corals bro" to be unnecessary and non constructive too?

IMHO all the reefers here are here to learn and share the experience as well as frags/fishes which they have found.. if everthing has to be pegged to such rigid rules and environment i wouldnt be such a nice "family" feeling in this forum anymore.. just my 2cents worth.. :peace:

In the first place, he is not the one selling, he is posting on behalf.. It is inevitable that he need some time to get info and photo from his fren... Dont you agree? Those comments are okay, but look at the posting of the unrelated photos and chit chatting, you think it is necessary? Small chit chat is okay but it is like unrelated posting after unrelated posting..

They can always start a new thread to share experience on the livestock they found, all welcomed.. Not everything but there have to be some rules, cannot be no government bah?

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That is why we need the seller or thread starter to provide an explanation publicly and then the MOD to quickly take action and close the thread if necessary. And not to leave things hanging and everyone guessing and jumping to conclusions. The MODs are the authorities, but if our MODs are too passive and lax then this kind of thread will definitely not be the last!

Sincerely hope the MOD team can quickly provide us with a satisfactory conclusion to this thread.

Mods have their life also, we cant be hanging in the forum 24/7 like robots... And you make it sound so easy to coordinate with all Mods and get everyone's consensus on a topic through the forum? Even the Police need time to settle cases...

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Explanation from Uncle Jon.

Because he is selling on behalf of his friend and the photos are from his friend and not taken by him, so he is unsure of the origin of the photo. But after the commotion about the photo, he asked his friend, it is only then his friend own up that the photo is not taken by him. He did see the black tang in person before, it might not be the same piece but the black tang does exist.

So he is not really intending to cheat anyone by using a photo that is not his as he is also unsure of the source that the photo came from.

As his record is not bad, we will be giving him a month suspension from posting of any sale thread in the pasar malam as a warning.

This is conclusion, believe it or not is up to you, we cant control what you think...

Edited by Terryz_

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