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JBJ 24g nano cube


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I run a 28G Nano. I think 's better because the hood does not cover the IOS. In 24G, the hood covers the whole tank including IOS. This makes it difficult (but not impossible) to do any customization.

On my 28G, I removed the media box and used the space for a Tunze 9002 skimmer.

A number of our forum sponsors carry JBJ nanocubes as well as other brands.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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no space for skimmer ? unless you're planning to remove the whole hood or saw off part of the hood. not sure if there is a nano skimmer for 24g but think i've come across one for 28g.

another thing is the PL tube thats comes with it increases water temp. imo the fan is pretty redundant.

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I dont use the JBJ Cube but have a Boyu Cube. Cubes have some limitations but it doesnt mean that they cant work. Here are some of the issues i faced:

1) Protein Skimmer

2) Temperature

3) Lighting

There are many protein skimmers in the market. For me, I managed to get the Boyu protein skimmer that is small enough (with a bit of modification) to fit into the sump. That took me some time to complete. I have seen some reefers with JBJ cubes using external protein skimmers that hang onto the sump.

Temperature is a big problem for me. I am using PL-18W fluorescent lights. I understand that JBJ uses LED lights instead of fluorescent lights so lesser heat is produced. Nevertheless, it will still be better to have a chiller. Some reefers remove the hood of the cube to allow more ventilation. Some use nano chillers. Some install computer fans onto the feeding lid. I use the simplest method, which is to build a platform over the water surface (below the feeding lid)and cable tie a Dymax fan onto it. Also, i leave the feeding lid opened 24 hours.

Lighting should be fine for the JBJ Cube because they use LED lights. My PL-18W florescent lights arent that strong and nothing can be done except to modify to install LED lights.

I hope that this will help you.



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no $$$ for 28g. already broke if buy 24g so must ensure that it is good before buying

I wouldn't recommend the 24g because your future options are very limited. save up some more and get a 28g.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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if JBJ 24g no good, can recommend any good plug-and-play systems? :thanks:

Its not really no good, just that lots of limitations. There are also good side about JBJ cubes. They are nice and neat. As for other systems, you can try looking at rimless with a overflow sump at the back. I came across these tanks at many places but cant really remember where. If you have been to Jireh, a few of their nano display tanks are like that. The pump should come with the tank. You gotta get your T5 lights and maybe a chiller.



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i do not recommend plug and play as the name implies, you have very limited options if there are things you do not like..

i have a 24G and it does works if you are always on the ball doing water change and all.. do note that you can fit a tunze 9002 skimmer in there but it is still not sufficient IMHO..

Let me list the limitations of a plug and play system:

1. Almost everything is stock and would not be good enough..

2. to counter point 1, you need to modify.. plug and play systems leaves very little space for modification

3. Limited fishes and corals.. you need to get small fishes and small frags

4. weekly 10% water change and clearing of your wool fortnightly..

5. a small swing in parameter in a 3ft is a huge swing in a nano

that being said i had a great experience with my 24G and i managed to keep it well maintained till i went to NY for 6 wks and all went downhill.. still in the process of slowly restarting..

i wouldnt recommend nano for starters.. but somehow most people start with nano first dont they?

A man with a reef tank is a man with an empty wallet...

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I agree with raydiative bro. I started marine with a 2 gallon pico. The tank crashed after i went Taiwan for 8 days. 2 years later, I started my 8 gallon Boyu tank. I wanted something small, neat and inexpensive. My first thought was that the Boyu cube comes with everything so i can just plug in and use. But time proved everything wrong. I realised that the cube has many limitations. A bigger tank ensures better stability. Another fact we have to consider is that we are all humans. We tend to want achieve something better after a certain milestone. A cube will not allow for upgrades because it is a set and the only way to upgrade is to get rid of the whole cube. My current 8 gallon Boyu is doing well. I have plenty of LR, some chaeto in the sump behind, a bouyu skimmer and lots of Seachem Denitrator. I have 5 fishes, 1 boxer shrimp, 1 snail, zoas, brain coral, hammer coral, plate coral, etc. I do monthly about 40% water change. The tank is 6 months old this month.



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Try checking if there's any bros selling their tanks here.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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Yeap. Second hand tanks are cheaper. You can find it at the buy/sell forum. I do have a contact that some one gave me. He told me it was quite cheap when he custom made his. I have yet to custom make mine but will most probably do so next year.

Aquarium Artist

Vincent 96959086



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Search the forum, there are many topics relating to tank makers. Do note that Freshwater tanks might not be used for saltwater if the glass used is too thin.


"Be formless... shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. You put it into a teapot; it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend..." - Lei Siu Lung (Bruce Lee)

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bro, do your due dliligience and do some research.

deteremine your budget.... $500, $1000?

then work out the size of the tank possible.

chiller is always recommended to have.

For newbies who are not familiar with eqpt, you can have a word with Dr Evil (Delighting) - on his cube 80.

I would recommend this over JBJ any time. the tank size is about the same but comes with a sump.

the other thing you can do is to check with seasoned nano players like Peacemaker.

He should have a few IOS tank design why you can simply pass to tank makers and ask them to build for you.

Tank makers are sgbros, n30, atlantic glass, CR Aquarium - just google, call them and get a quote.

It is a bit troublesome but the more your research, the better understanding you have and you will also know what are your options.

cheers and good luck hunting


Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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I have a JBJ 24g nano cube for more than 3 years now.

I assume that you want to keep both fishes & corals

The main advantage is that it is very compact and neat.

If you want to have a chiller with this system, you need to modify the cover slightly to allow for it.

With the chiller, it is not more "untidy" and you are better off having a open tank with a sump.

However, keeping corals and fishes in a nano tank without a chiller has its challenges.

You need to do the following if you want to sustain your tank

1) Have a small fan installed to bring down the temperature slightly

2) Have to top up about 300ml of DI water due to evaporation caused by the fan

3) Can only have 3-4 fishes (clownfish is one of the better choice)

4) Need to have choose corals that is more tolerant to higher temperature and not very ideal water conditions (lack of skimmer)

5) I avoid using nano skimmer because they are not very effective but add heat load to the tank

6) To overcome the lack of skimmer, have to change about 10 litres of water every week.

If you are discipline and can do the above consistently, you will be able to sustain a reasonable nice marine tank with relatively low cost.

Most people cannot do it because they cannot resist the urge to buy more corals/fishes and do not change water regularly.

Too many fish will cause the tank to crash due to excessive bio load.

You really need to read up to understand the type of coral or fish suitable for such small tank (Choice is quite limited)

If you are not disciplined enough, you are better off buying a bigger tank with better proper equipment (chillers, skimmers etc)

Hard to to do this below $500.



Equipment: JBJ 24g Nano Cube with 9 x 3W White & 9 X 3W Royal Blue LED Lighting + Tunze Nanostream 6025+ 1 Fan

Fishs : 1x Cardinalfish, 2 x false Percula Clownfish

Inverts : 1x Sea Serpent starfish, 1x blue legged hermit crab, 1 x orange starfish

Corals : 2 x Lobophyllia, brown rics, red & green mushrooms, Yuma, Torch, Octo, favites, , clove, 1 x Aveopora,

Tank Thread : [url=http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=83257]

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