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Is it a MUST to use DI/RO water for a FOWLR tank?

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What will be the impact if using over night tap water? Will my fish not able to survice long?

Any bro or sis out there has a successful experience with using only tap water?

I will like to understand the impact before decide in getting the RO filter.

Thanks in advance.

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  • SRC Member

What will be the impact if using over night tap water? Will my fish not able to survice long?

Any bro or sis out there has a successful experience with using only tap water?

I will like to understand the impact before decide in getting the RO filter.

Thanks in advance.

i really dont think any fish can last long with just tap water, last time even with fresh water discus fish they will die very fast with just overnight tap water.

basic u will need is overnight tap water with anti chlorine/chloramines running with air pump.

why RO bro, there have been alot of discusstion about this, a DI unit should be good enough.

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The need to have a DI water is to remove the impurities from our tap water

You can use over night tap water treated with antichlorine but these solutions will remove basic chlorine elements, but may not be enough to break the chloramine bond( look for solutions that can break the bond)

Water generally carries Phosphates, nitrates and silicates, if you do not filter this there is a possibility of the below

1. bacterial Outbreak

2. Algae bloom

3, Surge in element parameters

These are based on what i read and concluded before i purchased my DI unit, but there are reefers who survived with tap water too

Choice is yours :)

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  • SRC Member

i really dont think any fish can last long with just tap water, last time even with fresh water discus fish they will die very fast with just overnight tap water.

basic u will need is overnight tap water with anti chlorine/chloramines running with air pump.

why RO bro, there have been alot of discusstion about this, a DI unit should be good enough.

Yes, a DI unit is good enough.

However, if you wish to extend the "life" of DI resin, it's better to run a RO unit before DI unit.

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Sea fishes can certainly be kept in artificial saltwater made with tap water. However, tap water is usually the cause of algae outbreaks (dino, diatoms, cyano, hair, etc) as the dissolved solids in tap water fuels its growth.

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Water change still must use artificial salt to mix with di. Topping up can use di.

It depends on what type of corals or FOWLR setup.. i have been using tapwater for couple of years.. no issue with that.. between i only keep mushroom and plates

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