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  • SRC Member

Tough luck

After I got my snails from maxima and watching them burrow. I threw in some fish meat to feed them and those freaking isopods came skipping out of my LR to feed on my SNAILS!!!!

I know for sure they are parasites as I have encountered them many times during fishing, these isopods can grow up to 1cm long, whitish or greyish colour and have extra big black eyes!

Now I got a probelm bigger than flatworms, I activated 2 empty bottles, stuff them with some sand + fish meat and sealed the bottleneck slightly to prevent them from coming out. I have since caught 1 big momma and I believe can catch more of them in the night.

Anybody got any idea what feeds on ISOPODS? If not, I will have to remove the snails and start my 3 month long operation starvation.

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My tank used to have a lot of them also. Like what happen to you, when feeding the nass snails, they are attracted to the smell of the prawn/fish meat faster than the nass snails. In fact, I think they are not attacking the snails but they are trying to get a bite on the prawn/fish meat.

Capitalizing on the fact that after some starvation, they will rush and bite on hard on the meat, I tied a piece of meat on a long rod and start waving about near the sand bed. Once they come and bite on, quickly pull the rod out and dip on fresh water and they will release and leave to die in the fresh water. Repeat until none is left. About 1 week later do the same thing as some will still hatch from eggs.


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Wow, taking out ALL the rocks and freshwater dip.....must be hard work.

There will be eggs left in the rocks no doubt and these will hatch in no time and then reproduce. I had to do the 'fishing' for quite some time at a weekly basis and now they are gone. Anyway, my tank contains NO fishes, so I am not so bothered by them.

Forgive me for my frankness, dipping the rocks in fresh water is not a so good idea as doing this will definitely reduce the bio lifes within the rock.


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