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Weekly LFS & Shipment Updates - 12th to 18th SEP 2011

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Anybody knows any place selling Purple Firefish or Helfrich Firefish at this period?

CF has one helfrichi goby left. It has been there for many weeks already. But do note CF helfrichi is one of the priciest. LCK being the cheapest.

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Normal sun will be in iwarna....

Super suns saw at Jireh marine

Tank : 3 x 2 x 1.8 ( setup end Feb 2014 ) --> 4 x 2 x 1.8 ( setup early Nov 2016 )
Skimmer : Bubble Magus NAC6 --> Bubble Magus Curve 7
Return pump : Jebao 10000l/h ( down in 17th December 2014 ) --> Jebao DC-12000 ( 19th December 2014 )
Compressor drop-in coil
Wavemaker : Tunze 6105 x 1
Lights : Modular based DIY LED light x 4

Chaeto in the sump

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  • SRC Member

Normal sun will be in iwarna....

Super suns saw at Jireh marine

Super Sun can get from LCK Steven. Got ALOT to choose from. Jireh get their supersun from LCK too so might as well go straight to the source? = ]

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just back from Cf - many majestic and queen large/juv, a few regal, blue face, french and emperor juv, many purple tang, royal gramma, black cap basslet, flameback, rusty angel, lori's, evansi and few other types of anthias.

lck- flame, royal gramma, queen angel

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just back from Cf - many majestic and queen large/juv, a few regal, blue face, french and emperor juv, many purple tang, royal gramma, black cap basslet, flameback, rusty angel, lori's, evansi and few other types of anthias.

lck- flame, royal gramma, queen angel

Royal gramma how much ar?

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Rare fishes at CF:


Flame wrasse pair


Male chrysocephalus wrasse

Rainbow cleaner wrasse (This hawaii endemic has been banned and as such absent in the hobby for over 2 years already. Two pieces now available at CF.)

Johnson Fairy wrasse 1 pair

Tricinctus clownfish

CB latezonatus clownfish


Rare Aculeatus butterfly (2 pieces small size)

Juvenile capistratus butterfly (aka 4-eye butterfly)

Juvenile spotfin butterfly

A few small size tobacco basslet (V nice and healthy)

A few chalk basslet

1 piece hybrid queen x blue angel ($500)

Few pieces of juvenile queen and blue angelfish

Royal gramma and black cap basslet

Many yellowhead jawfish

2 pieces of sailfin blenny

Many Acanthemblemaria Spinosa (also known as spiny head blenny/barnacle blenny. These small beauties are rarely imported from caribbean and make interesting fishes to watch in a nano setup)

Masked goby

Neon goby

Other assorted gobies.

Lots of puddingwife wrasse

Thalassoma sp.

V rare caribbean glass anemone shrimp

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At Pinnacle today, I saw some anthias that look like alpha male Dispar but was told they are Purple Queen.

The staff say the body shape more to Purple Queen..

Any one know what is those anthias at Pinnacle?

Its in the 2nd or 3rd anthias tank when you walk in..

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Any one know the colour of the suns at IWARNA and the price?

Iwarna sun coral price very standard one. Usually $15 each. Big or small also same price.

As for supersuns, i cannot think of anywhere else cheaper and better than LCK(Steven).

Hope it helps! :groupwavereversed:

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