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wts: alot of sun corals


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Hi guys,

due to lack of time to target feed my sun corals. i am selling away many colors of sun corals at very low pricing. They are all healthy and have been under tremendous tender loving care. Target feed everyday for the past 4 months.

Please refer to this thread, refer to thread #25 for latest FTS to see what is available. I am selling everything except for the rhizo and super sun. Please dont pm or make any enquiries with regards to them.

I prefer if interested parties just come over and pick and choose what you like. Every piece for $8 dollars. Big or small all same price.

Refer to pricing list:

-each piece is $8

-10 pieces for $60

collection at bukit panjang.

CALL me on my mobile at 81000833 to make appointment.



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Hi Kevin,

I would like to take all your suncoral. Please reserve for me. Thanks

Hi Jason,

reserved for you. Meanwhile i wil continue with tender loving care till your new tank is ready to receive them.

My apologies to the other reefers that have confirmed a couple of pieces each. I have to cancel the sale as it is more convenient to deal with just one guy. Thank you for your understanding.

warmest regards.


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