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Curing of LR


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  • SRC Member

Curing doesnt mean to remove all the worms and other yucky stuff from the rocks. Curing is just a period of time for the bacteria and organism to die off and to regenerate.

Worms are good sand shifters and process fish waste. DSB requires all these organism to work properly, a sandbed deprived of these creatures will harden and would not be functional for nitrate reduction.

You are paying $ for all these, if you remove all these creatures.. you might as well use dry rocks.

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  • SRC Member
Curing doesnt mean to remove all the worms and other yucky stuff from the rocks.  Curing is just a period of time for the bacteria and organism to die off and to regenerate.

Worms are good sand shifters and process fish waste.  DSB requires all these organism to work properly, a sandbed deprived of these creatures will harden and would not be functional for nitrate reduction.

You can paying $ for all these, if you remove all these creatures.. you might as well use dry rocks.

thnks, can't help it cos the worms just come out of the lr. But afraid that there are "harmful" worms around. Care to share wat are the "harmful" worms etc. thnks

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  • SRC Member

thnks, can't help it cos the worms just come out of the lr. But afraid that there are "harmful" worms around. Care to share wat are the "harmful" worms etc. thnks

I'm no good in ID so I leave it to the experts to give you more details.

Generally, I would remove excessively huge bristleworms and leave the others alone.

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  • SRC Member

thnks, can't help it cos the worms just come out of the lr. But afraid that there are "harmful" worms around. Care to share wat are the "harmful" worms etc. thnks

Don't worry lah. Is the big worm that could be harmful as they may attack fishes.

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  • SRC Member

Don't worry lah. Is the big worm that could be harmful as they may attack fishes.

That is another myth. Most of the time, bristleworms are blamed for killing fishes because they are seen feeding off the dead fishes. They are the ocean's natural cleaners that feed on the weak and dead. Most likely the fish is dead even before the bristleworms get to it.

You can put a healthy clam on the sandbed and nothing happens but if you put a dead clam on the same spot, I'm very sure the worms will be out to consume the dead matter.

The reason why I would remove the huge bristleworms is that they leave behind huge pricks when they move. These pricks can be quite painful and itchy when touched.

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