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WTS: spare equipment

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Selling these spare equipment sitting around at home;

1) Ehiem 1048A ( 10W, flow : 600 litres/ hour ) , Pump has been use externally but the cover for the suction has been missing. - $ 30.00

2) Skimz FR - FM100 ( up to 600 litres ) - $ 80.00

3) Coral Life UV Turbo twist 12X ( use for up to 1200 litres of water ) bulb only run for about 5 month - $ 180.00

collection / viewing at cck ave 3 or clementi MRT during office hour but have to pre-arrange with me.


ctc me at 9231 6904 for fast deal

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  • SRC Supporter

Selling these spare equipment sitting around at home;

1) Ehiem 1048A ( 10W, flow : 600 litres/ hour ) , Pump has been use externally but the cover for the suction has been missing. - $ 30.00 Revered by Hobbyist

2) Skimz FR - FM100 ( up to 600 litres ) - $ 80.00

3) Coral Life UV Turbo twist 12X ( use for up to 1200 litres of water ) bulb only run for about 5 month - $ 180.00

collection / viewing at cck ave 3 or clementi MRT during office hour but have to pre-arrange with me.


ctc me at 9231 6904 for fast deal

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  • SRC Supporter

Selling these spare equipment sitting around at home;

1) Ehiem 1048A ( 10W, flow : 600 litres/ hour ) , Pump has been use externally but the cover for the suction has been missing. - $ 30.00 Revered by Hobbyist

2) Skimz FR - FM100 ( up to 600 litres ) - $ 80.00 reserved by Resser

3) Coral Life UV Turbo twist 12X ( use for up to 1200 litres of water ) bulb only run for about 5 month - $ 180.00 reserved by eniram

collection / viewing at cck ave 3 or clementi MRT during office hour but have to pre-arrange with me.


ctc me at 9231 6904 for fast deal

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