Hi! Bros and Sis, as luck have it, I bought a small tank in preparation for some fresh water fish as a gift from a friend. Now that it is no longer available (the fish, not the friend), I am thinking of using the small tank as a nano tank for some coral and no more than 6 clown fish size fish ...
I have fairly successful experience in keep a 4ft reef tank years back... to be exact, it was the years where T8 lights was still the IN thing... so now this 45cm*26cm*25cm tank looks like a goby swimming beside an emperor an blue face angel... but I believe that having a nano tank is a completely different ball game so my questions (and hopefully get some advices) are:
1) is there T5 lights box in 1.5 ft length available?
2) is protein skimmer necessary for nano tank (I am willing to change 10% water weekly)?
3) for a 24l nano tank, what is the recommended water flow capacity for a hang on filter? 150l? 300l? 400?
4) Any suggestions on fish that I can get? 2 Clown fish + 2 mandarin fish + ????
thanks a lot in advance for your inputs.
before I became a father:
after I became a father: