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  1. Hey guys, Just joined in and really interested to have a marine tank. My prev aro passed on after years of rearing and it has become such an emotional matter since I was so damn close to it - been keeping aros for almost 20 years... shish I feel old. Im 34 now and finally moving on... My existing custom tank is a 5x2x2 with approx. 10-12mm thk glass and an overflow system with sump. Im going to convert this for marine. I have two light systems mounted above - 2 x T5 and 2 x T8 + Alternative LED (red) - existing. I know I have to change this sooner or later... I've heard Marine = $$$$$$ but after some talks with ppl around and my own homework, its rather easier now with tech avail. My dad use to keep marine when I was young. So firstly, I have to start from scratch... QH rep told me on some start up costs and on their system backed by red sea products.. Im just confused where I should rely on. Ill have to do this piece by piece and no rush for me. Advice for sources?
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