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Everything posted by chongk

  1. Maxspect 120deg Lens Kit Reflector for R420R @ $10/unit (take all 4 units @ $30) Whatsapp/SMS 91682887 for fast deal. Collection at Loyang (near airport).
  2. Clearance sale. All tested and confirmed working. WYSIWYG. 1) Evo 480l/h @ $3/each (2 available, take both for $5) 2) Aquaspeed A600 600l/h @ $5 3) Astro AS300 @ $3 (Reserved 9xxxxx65) 4) ASTRO AS500 @ $5 (Reserved 9xxxxx65) 5) Atman AT-305 1200l/h @ $6 6) Sebo Mini Wave Maker 1000l/h @ $5 7) Aquabee UP2000 2000l/h @ $15 8) LifeTech AP1000 @ $2 (or FOC for first buyer of 3 or more items). (Reserved 9xxxxx65) Take any 3 for additional 10% discount. Whatsapp/SMS 91682887 for quick deal. Location East (near airport).
  3. 1) Magnet scrapper with 3 new blades @ $5 2) Twin outlet diffuser @ $6 each (Take both for $10) Take all 3 for $12. Whatsapp/SMS 91682887 for fast deal. Collection at east (near airport)
  4. Both used for very short while only (cannot get my fish trained on pellet/flake). 1) Eheim Feeder @ $70 2) Oase Feeder @ $70 Whatsapp/SMS 91682887 for fast deal. Collection at east (near airport).
  5. Clearance sale. All tested and confirmed working. WYSIWYG. 1) Evo 480l/h @ $3/each (2 available, take both for $5) 2) Aquaspeed A600 600l/h @ $5 3) Astro AS300 @ $3 4) ASTRO AS500 @ $5 5) Atman AT-305 1200l/h @ $6 6) Sebo Mini Wave Maker 1000l/h @ $5 7) Aquabee UP2000 2000l/h @ $15 8) LifeTech AP1000 @ $2 (or FOC for first buyer of 3 or more items). Take any 3 for additional 10% discount. Whatsapp/SMS 91682887 for quick deal. Location East (near airport).
  6. Hi all, Clearning up my storeroom. All items priced to sell. 1. Maxspect 120deg Lens Kit Reflector for R420R @ $15/unit (take all 4 units @ $50) 2. TDS Hand-held Meter @ $15 3. Water Pumps a. Aquaspeed A600 (600L/H; 6W) @ $10 b. Evo Pump (480L/H; 6W) @ $8 c. LifeTech AP1000 (360 L/H; 8.5W) @ $5 Take all 3 for $20 4. SOBO Wavemaker WP-50M (1k - 3k L/H; 3W) @ $15 5. Two Outlet Diffuser @ $6/unit (take 2 units @ $10) 6. EHEIM Auto Feeder @ $25/unit (Take 2 units @ $40) RESERVED 9xxx3718 7. Warmtone Auto Feeder @ $5/unit (Take 2 units @ $8) 8. Seachem Alkaline Buffer (300g, used < 5 teaspoons - practically full, freshwater only) @ $8 9. Seachem Acid Buffer (300g, used < 5 teaspoons - practically full, freshwater only) @ $8 10. Mag-Float Magnet (modified with stainless steel scrapper, and comes with 3 new blades, good for 10 - 12mm glass thickness) @ $15 Collection @ Changi, can arrange also weekdays @ Suntec City. Interested, please WhatsApp 91682887.
  7. Hi all, Clearning up my storeroom. All items priced to sell. 1. Maxspect 120deg Lens Kit Reflector for R420R @ $15/unit (take all 4 units @ $50) 2. TDS Hand-held Meter @ $15 3. Water Pumps a. Aquaspeed A600 (600L/H; 6W) @ $10 b. Evo Pump (480L/H; 6W) @ $8 c. LifeTech AP1000 (360 L/H; 8.5W) @ $5 Take all 3 for $20 4. SOBO Wavemaker WP-50M (1k - 3k L/H; 3W) @ $15 5. Two Outlet Diffuser @ $6/unit (take 2 units @ $10) 6. EHEIM Auto Feeder @ $25/unit (Take 2 units @ $40) RESERVED 9xxx3718 7. Warmtone Auto Feeder @ $5/unit (Take 2 units @ $8) 8. Seachem Alkaline Buffer (300g, used < 5 teaspoons - practically full, freshwater only) @ $8 9. Seachem Acid Buffer (300g, used < 5 teaspoons - practically full, freshwater only) @ $8 10. Mag-Float Magnet (modified with stainless steel scrapper, and comes with 3 new blades, good for 10 - 12mm glass thickness) @ $15 Collection @ Changi, can arrange also weekdays @ Suntec City. Interested, please WhatsApp 91682887.
  8. Hi all, Clearning up my storeroom. All items priced to sell. 1. Maxspect 120deg Lens Kit Reflector for R420R @ $15/unit (take all 4 units @ $50) 2. TDS Hand-held Meter @ $15 3. Water Pumps a. Aquaspeed A600 (600L/H; 6W) @ $10 b. Evo Pump (480L/H; 6W) @ $8 c. LifeTech AP1000 (360 L/H; 8.5W) @ $5 Take all 3 for $20 4. SOBO Wavemaker WP-50M (1k - 3k L/H; 3W) @ $15 5. Two Outlet Diffuser @ $6/unit (take 2 units @ $10) 6. EHEIM Auto Feeder @ $25/unit (Take 2 units @ $40) 7. Warmtone Auto Feeder @ $5/unit (Take 2 units @ $8) 8. Seachem Alkaline Buffer (300g, used < 5 teaspoons - practically full, freshwater only) @ $8 9. Seachem Acid Buffer (300g, used < 5 teaspoons - practically full, freshwater only) @ $8 10. Mag-Float Magnet (modified with stainless steel scrapper, and comes with 3 new blades, good for 10 - 12mm glass thickness) @ $15 Collection @ Changi, can arrange also weekdays @ Suntec City. Interested, please WhatsApp 91682887.
  9. CNY clearance. Skimz Monster SM201 @ $250 (Note: The water level controller is spoilt and not included, replacement can be purchased at Aquamarin: http://aquamarin.com.sg/productsDetail.asp?productid=2062) Spare Needlewheel Impellar (used < 3 months) @ $75 Take both: Protein Skimmer + spare impellar @ $300 The Protein Skimmer has been with me for around 7 - 8 years and used on a 5ft tank. However, I changed the ES5000 pump last year. Interested, please Whatsapp/SMS 91682887. Cheers!
  10. For those who have been asking for pics, refer attached. Both units have been used approx. 2 to 2.5 years each. I had the WP-40 first, and then switched to the RW-20 as I needed higher flow-rate. Have since replaced with a Gyre pump for my new 7ft tank. RW-20 WP-40
  11. Hi, Letting go the below 2 wave makers: JEBAO RW-20 (Qmax: 20,000L/H, 60W) @ $50 JEBAO WP-40 (Qmax: 13,000L/H, 40W) @ $35 Take both for $70 Collection in East. Interested, please WhatsApp 91682887 Cheers!
  12. upz Price reduced to clear 1. Sump tank complete with bio-balls, 36" x 16" @ $45 $30 2. Sump tank complete with bio-balls, 30" x 16" @ $35 $20 3. ATO Tank Only, 16" x 16" @ $25 (have 2 units, take both for $40) $15 (take both for $25) Collection in the East. Interested, please WhatsApp 91682887.
  13. Price reduced to clear. 1) Jebao Wavemaker RW-20 (~ 1 year) @ $70 $50 2) Skimz Fluidised Reactor @ $40 $20 3) Biopellet Reactor @ $30 $10 4) iAquatic Calcium Reactor (requires an Aquabee 2000 pump, not included) @ $60 $30 (have some spare CR media, will include FOC) 5) CO2 canister (note is rusty but was topped up several months ago and unused) @ $30 (CR + CO2 together bundle @ $75 $50) 6) Maxspect R420R 120 deg Reflector @ $15 $10 (take all 4 for $50 $30) RESERVED 7) Maxspect R420R Tank Mount Kit @ $50 (have 2 sets available, take both for $80) Interested, please WhatsApp 91682887. Collection in East. Thanks for viewing!
  14. Price reduced to clear. 1) Jebao Wavemaker RW-20 (~ 1 year) @ $70 $50 2) Skimz Fluidised Reactor @ $40 $20 3) Biopellet Reactor @ $30 $10 4) iAquatic Calcium Reactor (requires an Aquabee 2000 pump, not included) @ $60 $30 (have some spare CR media, will include FOC) 5) CO2 canister (note is rusty but was topped up several months ago and unused) @ $30 (CR + CO2 together bundle @ $75 $50) 6) Maxspect R420R 120 deg Reflector @ $15 $10 (take all 4 for $50 $30) 7) Maxspect R420R Tank Mount Kit @ $50 (have 2 sets available, take both for $80) Interested, please WhatsApp 91682887. Collection in East. Thanks for viewing!
  15. Hi all, Have following to clear: 1. Sump tank complete with bio-balls, 36" x 16" @ $45 2. Sump tank complete with bio-balls, 30" x 16" @ $35 3. ATO Tank Only, 16" x 16" @ $25 (have 2 units, take both for $40) Collection in the East. Interested, please WhatsApp 91682887. Thanks for reading.
  16. Hi everyone, Some items priced to clear. 1) Jebao Wavemaker RW-20 (~ 1 year) @ $70 2) Skimz Fluidised Reactor @ $40 3) Biopellet Reactor @ $30 4) iAquatic Calcium Reactor (requires an Aquabee 2000 pump, not included) @ $60 (have some spare CR media, will include FOC) 5) CO2 canister (note is rusty but was topped up several months ago and unused) @ $30 (CR + CO2 together bundle @ $75) 6) Maxspect R420R 120 deg Reflector @ $15 (take all 4 for $50) Interested, please WhatsApp 91682887. Collection in East. Thanks for viewing!
  17. Hi, Decomm tank and have sufficient live sand for tank of 5' x 1.5' size. Sand still in tank with water in circulation with sump to keep it "live". Self-collect at Changi. Please bring your own pails (estimate 3 - 4 pails) to scoop the sand (will drain the water prior to arrival). Interested, pls WhatsApp 91682887. First come first serve. Cheers.
  18. Hi, Any reefers who upgraded their Maxspect Razor R420R LEDs to 15k .... if you have your 10k LED pads in good working condition, please let me know. Also looking for the hanging kit if not being used. WhatsApp 91682887 for quick deal. Thanks!
  19. upz .... need to clear ASAP Price reduced to $100 for live rocks - many have encrusted purple coralline algae and soft corals. Most rocks with me since day 1 ~ 10 years.
  20. Wanted to hold off this until I cleared my fishes, but it is a challenge to catch the fishes with all the rock in the tank, so here goes ... Live Rocks (roughly 20 pieces in total, around 6 are relatively large - enough to fit a 5 x 1.5 x 2 tank) @ $150 Live Sand (around 1 - 1.5 inch depth for same tank dimension) @ $50 Live Rocks may be harvested immediately (please supply own pails - you will probably need around 3 of the salt mix pails). Live Sand once livestock is cleared only. Please whatsapp 91682887 to deal. Cheers!
  21. Update: For those who have made reservations - please arrange to collect by this Sunday 7th Jan afternoon. If not collected by then, I will release the reservations. Thanks for the understanding. Just a note: Collection place is in Changi, near to the Prison. Am available for collection next week (Tues - Thur), in the evenings after work, or following Sunday 7th Jan in the afternoon. Other timings need to be arranged, as I am usually out travelling. Thanks! FISH: 1. Powder Blue Tang @ $50 (been with me > 3 years - my favourite, healthy, itch free, and good appetite) (Reserved: xxxx8977, tentative collection 2/1) 2. Blue Tang @ $40 (Reserved: xxxx8977, tentative collection 2/1) 3. Sailfin Tang @ $20 (please note that it suffers from HLLE around the head area, but is otherwise healthy and with a big appetite) (Reserved: xxxx2117) 4. Yellow Tang @ $40 (Have a pair available, take both for $70) (Reserved: xxxx4688, collection by 7/1) 5. Copperband Butterfly @ $10 (Reserved: xxxx8977, tentative collection 2/1) 6. Bicolor Angel @ $10 (Reserved: xxxx2117) 7. Bandai Cardinalfish @ $5 for a pair (Reserved: xxxx8589, collection 7/1) 8. Algae Blenny (or Goby, cannot recall) @ $5 9. Clownfish @ FOC with any of above purchase, or preferably with purchase of hammer coral it is hosting on (Reserved: xxxx2117) CORALS: 10. Hammer coral @ $40 (Reserved: xxxx8317, collection 4/1) 11. Torch Coral @ $40 (3 heads) (Reserved: xxxx9169, collection 7/1) 12. Torch Coral @ $15 (1 head, grown from parent torch) (Reserved: xxxx4594, collection 29/12 @ 11) 13. Torch Coral @ $30 (1 head - grown from parent torch, but attached to big live rock) (Reserved: Zainuddin, collection 7/1) 14. Bubble Coral @ $50 (extends to larger than fist size) (Reserved xxxx5566, collection 4/1) 15. Plate Coral @ $35 (Reserved xxxx5566, collection 4/1) 16. Fox Coral @ $35 17. Duncan @ $30 ( min. 4 heads) (Reserved: Zainuddin, collection 7/1) 18. Green zoas on large live rock @ $20 19. Green zoas on medium live rock @ $10 (Reserved: xxxx8317, collection 4/1) 20. Misc green zoas FOC with any purchase (while stocks last) (Reserved xxxx5566, collection 4/1)
  22. Update: Thanks for the interests, and apologies if I am replying too slowly ... Just a note: Collection place is in Changi, near to the Prison. Am available for collection next week (Tues - Thur), in the evenings after work, or following Sunday 7th Jan in the afternoon. Other timings need to be arranged, as I am usually out travelling. Thanks! FISH: 1. Powder Blue Tang @ $50 (been with me > 3 years - my favourite, healthy, itch free, and good appetite) (Reserved: xxxx8977, tentative collection 2/1) 2. Blue Tang @ $40 (Reserved: xxxx8977, tentative collection 2/1) 3. Sailfin Tang @ $20 (please note that it suffers from HLLE around the head area, but is otherwise healthy and with a big appetite) (Reserved: xxxx2117) 4. Yellow Tang @ $40 (Have a pair available, take both for $70) (Reserved: xxxx4688) 5. Copperband Butterfly @ $10 (Reserved: xxxx8977, tentative collection 2/1) 6. Bicolor Angel @ $10 (Reserved: xxxx2117) 7. Bandai Cardinalfish @ $5 for a pair (Reserved: xxxx8589, collection 7/1) 8. Algae Blenny (or Goby, cannot recall) @ $5 9. Clownfish @ FOC with any of above purchase, or preferably with purchase of hammer coral it is hosting on (Reserved: xxxx2117) CORALS: 10. Hammer coral @ $40 (Reserved: xxxx8317, collection 3/1 - 4/1) 11. Torch Coral @ $40 (3 heads) (Reserved: xxxx9169, collection 2/1) 12. Torch Coral @ $15 (1 head, grown from parent torch) (Reserved: xxxx4594, collection 29/12 @ 11) 13. Torch Coral @ $30 (1 head - grown from parent torch, but attached to big live rock) (Reserved: Zainuddin) 14. Bubble Coral @ $50 (extends to larger than fist size) (Reserved xxxx5566, collection next week) 15. Plate Coral @ $35 (Reserved xxxx5566, collection next week) 16. Fox Coral @ $35 17. Duncan @ $30 ( min. 4 heads) (Reserved: Zainuddin) 18. Green zoas on large live rock @ $20 19. Green zoas on medium live rock @ $10 (Reserved: xxxx8317, collection 3/1 - 4/1) 20. Misc green zoas FOC with any purchase (while stocks last) (Reserved xxxx5566, collection next week)
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