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  1. Hi, Selling my 4ft tank with Ehiem filter and lightings. Please contact me 96286874. Asking for $888.00
  2. Confirm no, no bubbles flowing put there.
  3. Hi Is it norm to have bubbles in my Eheim Pro 2 Filter? Have being trying to clear them up for past few weeks. Is this normal? Filter age is about 5 mths. Don't have that problem earlier. Are those bubble nitrogen and part of the nitrogen cycle? Cheers
  4. Hi be careful when you cleaner your skimmer. My conainter has cracked; hairline cracked at the bottom. After all it is a cheapest skimmer no complain. Do you have such problem? Cheers
  5. As long as the leakage current not more than 30mA your home ELCB (Circuit breaker) will not trip. Confirm this is a leakages. Don't play2. Cheers
  6. can u share what is the thinkness of your tank that bend? Try Sin Chew in Geylang; not cheap but good workmanship. Cheers
  7. sorry don't think your filter media will work. Try this 1) top layer 1. wool 2. poly filter (chemical filtration) 3. bag of charcol 4. wool again 5. 7 inch of #1 corals remove your ring and bio ball don't think this will work. My 4 ft tank started introducing fishes at about day 14, corals day 7. Now I am at day 22. Have about 12-15 fishes.
  8. This will also happen when there is a power failure. When power is restored the cup would most likely overflow.
  9. They are being stressed...that is why those stuff are coming out. Do not move them around your tank. Those cloudy stuff is also bad for your fishes.
  10. Actually it is inside a little cave, can see it in the opening. Hope it will come out for some lights soon. cheers
  11. Hi, How do I get this guy out. I am worried this guy will die and rot inside; or will it come out on its own? Cheers
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