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Everything posted by bhtteo

  1. Skimz skimmer also not bad too... the price is reasonable and the result is good.
  2. Strong lighting especially MH will cause LPS to bleach, try to change the position and place them at the bottom of the tank.
  3. Too early to worry, tank takes few months to mature.
  4. Try to work out a budget and list down all the equipment you desired to use. For me, I actually list down the items with budgeted costs for all equipment before I execute any of them. My advise is try to get better equipment instead of wasting of money to keep upgrading of equipment.
  5. The amount of algea is much depend on the water parameter, as long as you managed to keep Po4 at low level, i think this is not an issue.
  6. You can try feed small portion of prawn meat, they will expand very big !!
  7. Actually there is no absolute answer which method is good, for my first tank, i used bare bottom but I just don't like that a reef tank without sand bed. Recently I've set up a new tank and I decided to use sand bed, it look more natural to me, both methods so far do not affect water parameter, i still managed to keep No3 and Po4 at 0. You can try black sand and it will give you a contrast effect for everything you put in the tank.
  8. I think using a chiller is the permanent solution...
  9. Make sure you reduce PO4 to undetectable level, this will helps.
  10. Perhaps you need to monitor the water parameter and make sure there are within acceptable range.
  11. Welcome, first thing you need to do is to do as much research as possible. Cheers.
  12. the above item still available, asking S$280. very powerful chiller.
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