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Everything posted by bhtteo

  1. You can try using filter socks, so far i'm very happy with it.
  2. many factors.. but mainly may due to lighting.
  3. I also feed my SPS once a week. So far my LPS and SPS are happy with that.
  4. It also depends on the brand of the tubes and what type of corals you are keeping. Definitely you need to stick to 6 months period if you are keeping SPS and need to see intense colour.
  5. Try to design the refugium tank together with sump tank as i will be quite unsightly if you fix it as part of the display tank.
  6. Definitely not good to use boiled water...
  7. But be careful of LED cos it will cause LPS to bleach if you place ur LPS too close to the water level.
  8. Personnally i dont like epoxy cos it is difficult to use, i prefer to use the coral gel to stick my sps on the rock.
  9. Just pump those food liquid close to it and it will eat it.. Sometimes is hard to see using human's eyes..
  10. I dont think is necessary as the water will flow through your sump tank and the uv light.
  11. Despite is costly but So far bio pellet is very effective in reducing No3
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