My tank NO3 is kind of high and I'm not sure whether using the biobacter will increase the denitrifying bacteria which will help to control the NO3 in my tank!
If I didn't remember wrongly, the application u installed from no-ip will communicate with the DNS server to issue u a dynamic public address. Sorry as not able to help u to resolve this issue!
Can't seems 2 figure out anything from the website! Are u able to assign an IP address to your webcam or does the configuration page allows u to do it? Are u behind a firewall which block the port no. to host the webcam?
Did u install the No-IP application which will help u to auto update yr private IP with the DNS server!
So far, the AZNO3 is very effective in bringing dw my NO3 to 0ppm! May need to wash yr filter and chg 10-20% water. However, since u got macroalage, not sure if it will hv impact on it as it reduce the NO3 which is a food source for yr macroalgae!
Can PM me how much does it cost for the ZEOliths,ZEObac,ZEOfood,and the reactor to house the ZEOliths?
Will there be any side effect to run the Zeovit with Denitrator & Phos Remover together?