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Everything posted by lyz77

  1. It seems that u are not even considering using a DI for water change base on your plan. If that's the case, u must go very slow when adding LS as using water straight from the tap will pose some issue in maintaing yr water parameter. Must be careful when selecting LS in order to suit your plan! I use 2 hv a 1 ft nano tank which I oso put in a DIY skimmer which helps alot to remove the waste from the tank! Juz my 2 cent....
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong but if you have sea horse, I think better dun use air pump cause smtime, they may mistake those tiny bubbles as food and try to feed on it which is bad for their health!
  3. Not sure if others experience this but whenever my Turbo snail overturn and could not get back up, it will die! So far, I bought 6 turbo snail and only left with 2 now. The rest overturn and up lorry.....
  4. Sure nothing to u... look at the type of equip u r using!!! Haha.... juz kidding, hope u dun mind!
  5. Do u hv sm kind of firewall or accidentally block the SRC link from IE?
  6. err..... mind to explain as I don't really understand.
  7. Anyone have any idea where can I get the power converstation unit whereby it's able to support 110V with out 220V current!
  8. Dun kw hw 2 do leh as I kw nuts able electrical!
  9. Bro Nakazoru, need some advise from you. For your electrical panel setup, is it a must to tap to the main DB circuit from the house or any electrical point can be use to do somehting like yours? Hope u understand what I mean! Btw, is there any electrician that can recommend to me which is familiar with the setup?
  10. Interested in your Aquamedic SP3000 Niveamart. Pls PM me if u hv decided to sell it separately.
  11. I saw a weblink saying that the BS can be put temp in freshwater! Is it true? Will it cause any harm if the water from the hatching enter the main tank?
  12. After the brine shrimp hatch, should I chg the water and hw do i remove the shell? Pls advise!
  13. Where's the collection place and any pics on yr LR?
  14. Need to get additional accessory which may not be cheap!
  15. I think the problem boils down to basic respect for non-smoker like us! I won't stop my friend from smoking as it's their freedom to do so, but I think all smoker needs to understand that there are oso non-smoker ard and we have our reason for not taking up smoking. But there are still sm smoker who know when they shd light up their cigarette when there's non-smoker ard!
  16. Auntie at C328 give me more discount mah!
  17. AM selling pretty x! I got mine at C328, cheaperby $7! Hv 2 b patient when using this product as it's better to under dose then ober!
  18. Your new avatar makes me drool.....
  19. Bro soon chg yr avatar liao huh....
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