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Everything posted by lyz77

  1. Will be selling my digital timer as I should be getting my new toy next week! Anyone interested?
  2. Thks for the info bro Jevis!
  3. I got a blue tang and it's true! It adapt easily as it starts to eat within minutes!!! Thks for the info!!!
  4. With the type of setup and equip u have, I'm very confidence that you will overcome this in no time!
  5. Juz got a baby blue tang from AM. Within minutes, it start to eat like a pig liao!!! Btw, does Yuma require lots of light and does it prefer high or moderate flow?
  6. If I have a chance to setup another tank, I will go for 4x4x1.5 cube tank without euro bracing! Though it's difficult to rescape, but the effect and achievement will definitely payout well!
  7. No worries bro... we will pray hard for your tank!!!
  8. Most important, get a reliable tank maker if u gonna get a new one!
  9. Got 2 last week and they r not eating at all! Maybe will try to get some live BS to entice them to eat! Have anyone try ML food?
  10. Upgrading to a bigger tank or giving up the hobby!!!
  11. Does Zoos require lots of lighting or will it be able to take strong lighting?
  12. Bro, is blue tang easily to rear? Wanted to get one but afraid that it may up lorry in my tank and I dun wanna hv heart attack again!
  13. Nice setup bro! I notice you are staying in the same area as me!!!
  14. Will your foxface nib on your LPS?
  15. Is your tunze hidden/ stack under the LR? Will there be an issue in the event you need to clean/ service your tunze? Btw, nice setup!
  16. Love your scaping!!! Very natural!
  17. Got myself a big bucket that can hold 28gal of water during water change. I think you shd get 1 too to make it easy for u! Juz my 0.02cents!!!
  18. Occassionally have gathering with friends, so Wine & Liquor is a must!!! Dun hv the steel pole leh, else can have bar top dancing rite!!!
  19. Mine is ard 50ppm which is damn high leh! It's like that since day one, but luckily, my fishes is still able to take it! Deniballs no stock at the moment. Most probably with drop by Aqua Mart at the end of the month to get the BALLS.... for my NR1000!
  20. I doubt it comes with dimmerable ballast as it's not common that pple will go for it! But u can always chg it to one in order to achieve the sunrise/ sunset effect with IKS!
  21. Just have my scaping last month! Due to poor pics quality, I think can't really see the scaping properly!!!
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