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Everything posted by lyz77

  1. I tried using hot water before and wht I did was to boil the RODI water and pour the KH powder. The down side to this is that after the mix cool down, it form crystal and it choke up my dosing tube and container which I had a hard time clearing it. I agree and I am clueless as well. Could the dosing interval be an issue? I set my dosing pump to automatically spill the dosing 24 times a day. Ca and KH dosing interval are set at 20 mins apart. Yea, I saw that link and I wanted to make a more concentrated mix so that the dosing per day can be minimize. My dosing container is only 5L and with 500ml per day, it can only last min 10 days!
  2. I can make Ca more concentrated but not KH as it won't dissolve any further. The strange part is there is no coralline algae at all as I use dead rocks. If I stop dosing, both my Ca and KH will drop tremendously.
  3. My tank only have 3 SPS and 2 feather worms. I am dosing Ca, Mg and KH using a dosing pump and the following are my mix ratio: Mix Ratio Ca - 500g : 1L RO/DI Mg - 200g : 1L RO/DI KH - 170g : 1L RO/DI (Sodium Bicarbonate) Dosing ratio Ca - 400ml per day Mg - 10ml per day KH - 500ml per day Tank Parameters Ca - 400ppm Mg 1290ppm KH - 9.6dKH Tank Volume ~120 gallon (inclusive of sump) I have read a few forum where the dosing ration for some are only less than 100ml per day. Can anyone share your dosing mix and ratio? Thanks in advance!
  4. Does anyone know where to buy cone shape shell in Singapore which is similar to the link below? http://deltonaseashells.com/cone--shells--conidae---
  5. Is cleaner shrimp aggressive? Yesterday, I saw my cleaner shrimp attacking my goby and end up, my goby died and the cleaner shrimp was eating it alive! Have anyone experience this before?
  6. Thanks bro... wanna be a responsible reefer and not just buy and dump things into the tank without understanding the consequences. Once again, thanks for your tips and happy reefing!
  7. Can the external magnet be submerge into the tank as well? Due to the way my tank is setup, I can oni mount it near my overflow if I intend to get 1. I use to have this sure grip magnet for wave maker and after prolong usage, the magnet that is attached to the wave maker crack open and bum rusty.
  8. Thanks bombom and rebbot for your advise. I finally manage to get the Ca to the level I want by using CaCl2 powder. Hi superbee, while I understand that you meant well by highlighting that this hobby require patient, but I think you are merely judging a book by it's cover. Let me share with you how patient I am with my tank setup. I have been cycling my tank since Jun 2014 using dead rock which I boiled and leave it to dry for close to a month. I oni hv a pair of clown fish and feather worm which I introduce in Dec last year. I did not stock up any more coral as I wanted to stabilize my water parameter which is why I am seeking advice from this forum. I think everyone is here to learn and share experience so let leave personal comment out. Cheers!
  9. Will it increase KH? I come across some product where the Ca you dose will increase KH. I am afraid while it solve 1 issue, it may create another. For me, I am clueless right now as in why my Ca is still low since I already raise both my Mg and KH.
  10. My tank have been running for about 4 months. Since day 1, I have observe low Ca, KH and Mg. I am using Skimz salt and I do weekly water change of about 15% using RO/DI water. Last month, I start dosing Two Little Fish Part A & B and Mg. So far, I manage to keep my Mg around 1350ppm and KH fluctuate between 8-12dKH. As for Ca, it is always below 380ppm and I can never seem to bring it above that. Can anyone advise on a solution to this? Dosing Kalk? Thanks in advance!
  11. Found the parameter of the salt under the following link: http://reefbuilders.com/2014/05/27/skimz-pur-reefsalt-parameters/ Tested the salt using Salifert test kit only on KH, Ca and Mg and I only manage to get the following results: Alkalinity (Salifert) – 7.6 dKH Calcium (Salifert) – 330 ppm Magnesium (Salifert) – 1120 ppm Not sure if anyone who are using skimz salt have tested it as well?
  12. Any review on the controller? Thought of changing my entire controller unit.
  13. Anyone know where to buy small achilles tang? Are they difficult to keep?
  14. Hi, can PM me the price of the stackable dosing container? I am looking at getting 3 unit.
  15. Was clearing my storeroom and realize that I have 2 unit of Diamond reflector lying around. The plug was replace brand new and never use after replacement. Kindly refer to the following pictures. The yellowish color thinky is actually an anti rust coating I sprayed on previously. Selling $50 for each reflector. Interested pls PM me.
  16. tried to but couldn't figure out some of the functions as there seem to be more features than what the english manual shown. Any i suck in Chinese language, so rather get an English version.
  17. Just bought a 3-channel dosing pump from Taobao and realize that the manual is in Chinese only. Bought for SGD$280 and letting go at $250. I have the online transaction as proof of purchase but I already throw away the box. PM me if you are interested.
  18. Got a Skimz SM203 skimmer and I notice that it is releasing micro bubble resulting in my tank looking "dirty" with small particles circulating around. I also notice that micro bubble are generated from the overflow pipe into the sump. Never have such issue with my previous tank and I am not sure if it is a design issue. Contacted AM several time but they are always so busy and not able to look into my issue.
  19. I am in the mist of setting up my tank I can plan to setup a SPS tank. I will like to find out from the gurus in this forum on the brand of the calcium addictive that is suitable for use with dosing pump. In my previous setup, I notice that calcium addictive tends to have those thick white powder which may potential choke the tubing of a dosing pump. Kindly share on experience on this. Thanks!
  20. Unfortunately not yet... still trying to source for big magnet block.
  21. Is it that hot that will cause it to melt?
  22. View from within the cabinet. http://s68.photobucket.com/user/alize77/media/20140828_192004_zps16cb6723.jpg.html'>
  23. Wavemaker controller and power supply mounted on the acrylic panel. http://s68.photobucket.com/user/alize77/media/20140828_185932_zpsdbe86ad4.jpg.html'>
  24. Manage to pick up my acrylic today..... http://s68.photobucket.com/user/alize77/media/20140828_185147_zpsf009704b.jpg.html'>
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