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Everything posted by mUAr_cHEe

  1. Try to do a seperate loop. Not a good idea to do it all in the same loop. If one fails, all fails. Volitan, since your tank not done up yet, can still redesign, right? Or work started already? btw, me still overseas, now in Saipan. Trip got extended. So, won't be back so early.
  2. Kind of hard to see, because black and yellow sort of camo colour. but still, AWESOME!!!!!!
  3. Or else they will burn your house down!!! http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/01/08/mouse.fire.ap/index.html
  4. Do you have live seals? I am still looking for them. My Ocrcas and Polar Bears are getting very hungry.
  5. Take out your zoos. Remove them by one by one.
  6. Even for 3, you will need a really big tank. Maybe 7 to 8 feet? They need alot of space, or not,"Think tank ain't big enough for the three of us. Do you feel lucky? *short pause* Punk?"
  7. Its a personal decision. Nothing to do with this thread. This thread is for everyone to read. Its a public forum. But the ultimate decision lies in every individual. How can you discredit this thread like that? Fine, if the product is so called flawed-design. Even so, nothing is perfect. We can accept "pointing out of flaws" but slamming of products and other thread contributors is a definate no-no. Pls wake up.
  8. No lah, no lah. I am wrong. Blueheaven is much more knowledgable than me. He knows all the scientific name and all. Even as an ex-SPS keeper, I do not know know most of the SPS names. I just buy whatever colour i find pretty. As SPS more or less have the same requirements; high-flow, low NO3, deep pockets, too much time and no life. "OOOOHHHH!!! PINK!!!!!!!"
  9. Feel free to ask anything. But before asking anything, it will help you and us greatly if you do a search on a particulr topic u are interested and if you really have alot of time, go through the whole newbie forum.
  10. Very good. If only i do not have 3 2feet tanks at home lying around, and if i got time in Singapore. I will sure buy and start a Nano. Bowfront tanks are nice.
  11. NATO. *whips out sashimi carving knife* Where is the bugger??
  12. Regret ma. Want it to grow back faster now. heehee.
  13. Count me in. *whispers to Gouldian* I will bring the body bag. Cannot find knives.
  14. No, I did not start this thread because of you. No need to be so ego. Think the whole world rotate around you. kidding. Hope you can take joke. Its not you in particular that spurred me to start this thread. But just in general. If you guys noticed by now, SRC is all about being a trend starter. First BK skimmers, then Gress Gobies, then shark, then frogfish, then beckett, now pico, what's next? Clown breeding. Thank God that not so easy to start...
  15. RC has been using the term "pico" since 2002 also. So I am again wrong that the term "pico" came up in RC recently only. ARGH!!!!! I hate to prove myself wrong!!! *bangs head on wall repeatly*
  16. Crap! I am wrong. Pico is any tank below 2.5 Gallons. That is 9.463 liters. Most Simple defination of Nano and Pico that I can find. There are many many other references. But I am too demoralised and cannot be bothered to post, since I know I am wrong.
  17. Not True. It also depends on port of origin as well. Commodity too.
  18. Trust me, you still got alot of room for improvement. But keeping working on it, you are getting there. Just that it is still a LONG way there.
  19. Now then you know. No offense. No need to look so far actually. Malaysia already much higher than us. Buying Ehiem in germany is more expensive than in Singapore. Go figure.
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