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Everything posted by vt_snowman87

  1. just managed to take a picture of it.. its 3inches.. hope to trade with purple monti and orange digitata..
  2. i have 1 big 4inch frag of the green monti, accidentally broke off today.. interested party let me know..
  3. still looking for one.. small one.. abt 2inches..
  4. i have a piece of superman monti, size abt 3inches big.. as well as lime green monti cap 4inches big.. hoping to trade with purple monti / orange digitata.. frags are available accordingly.. below is a picture of a FRAG of it that i fragged out last time.. from same colony..
  5. twin-coloured sold and collected.. monti frags left 3 pieces.. mini accidental frags to give away with purchase.. upz for my sales..
  6. free to swop with other SPSs like orange digi, or purple monti..
  7. selling this as well.. $10.. initially wanted to do an experiment on merging the 2 montis.. but seem like the red one is overwhelming the green one.. size is 1-2inch..
  8. these are small accidental frags, size less than 1inch each.. take ALL for $5.. for interested party to glue together..
  9. hi all, its time to trim my monti cap again, as it has overgrown and started to shade my other corals.. $5 each frag.. size is about 1-2inches.. self collect woodlands please, FCFS.. thanks all..
  10. wao, a 5 yr DSB.. i also using a DSB method to control nutrients, and up till now have good results so far.. can share what maintenance u do on the DSB to keep it stable and useful for such a long time? any livestocks?
  11. i happen to saw this.. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...amp;pcatid=1139 Bimaculatus Anthias, known as twospot/twinspot anthias.. i think whats interesting is that it has irregular pink patterns on its back.. which differentiates it from other anthias.. hope that helps..
  12. doesn't look like a bobbit to me.. doesn't have the distinct segmented body and white band near the head for eunicid species..
  13. thanks bro, will keep a lookout when i go iwarna..
  14. alternate between flooding of cyclopeezes, coral food... as well as target feed mysis shrimp..
  15. hi all, looking for Pinstripe Melanurus Wrasse, small specimens.. hoping to clear red flatworms/planaria.. do let me know if u see 1 at LFS or if u have 1 to let go.. thanks! pic taken from marinedepotlive.com
  16. i used to have a yellow wrasse, does take care of bristleworms and other stuffs, but once it settled in, will bully smaller fishes, and snatch all the pellets and food since its very fast.. i had a problem catching it out.. even with all the rocks out.. because it hides/sleeps deep in the sand.. but nonetheless a good patrol fish in my opinion.. just take note of its size.. my 2 cents from my limited experience, hope that helps..
  17. very nice zoa frags, up for u bro..
  18. thanks bro, the yumas, partly because i feed them with mysis once every few days..
  19. amazing stuff.. that montipora digitata is sWEET.. if u ever have frag of it, let me know ya..
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