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Everything posted by vt_snowman87

  1. yar.. no prize for guessing correctly.. shall take more shots of it when it settles down.. notorious fish eater, and an aggressive stinger.. my fingers are still crossed..
  2. oops i just saw the closeup.. very nice.. where did you get it from bro? got frags?
  3. bro markietan, long time no see.. superb collection, very nice.. those orange yumas are pretty awesome stuff, any chance of a close-up?
  4. 10th Jan 2010, 4pm. added something to my display tank.. fingers crossed, heart throbbing, hope its a well-worth risk.. shall post pictures tonight when it settled down..
  5. wao, a hybrid of gigantea and haddoni.. thats interesting.. nonetheless, good specimen there, great looking.. as long as you are happy with it, doesnt matter whats the scientific name.. cheers!
  6. nope don't worry, its the same care as they both exhibit similar behaviours.. except giganteas get bigger much faster..
  7. an easy way to find out will be to look at the underside of the disk, if it has spots trailing down den its a gigantea..
  8. bro nice tank and corals.. but the carpet u have, i believe is gigantea instead of haddoni..
  9. hi all, looking for a bright lime green carpet anemone, any size is okay.. looking for haddoni species (short tentacled), not the gigantea type.. if you have any to let go, or spot one elsewhere, kindly let me know, with price and pictures preferably.. cheers, vincent 92382517
  10. oh my.. the royal purple, and the optic fibres! its dazzling! upz for you bro!
  11. i have 1 last frag pink bird nest, interested PM me.. cheers!
  12. for planted tanks and shrimps, you can try aquaticquotient.com for bettas/ arowannas/ corys/ guppies, you can try arofanatics.com hope that helps..
  13. i've never seen frogspawns that nice! truly awesome..
  14. frag F sold to bro kelvin70, nice talking to you.. A to E all reserved.. left 1 more frag G, similar to fragD in looks, slightly smaller.. $8
  15. clean and neat looking nano.. nice..
  16. thanks bro cedric! :) frag A and B currently reserved for pickup..
  17. 1) kikobananas (Bishan) 2) Stevenkoh08 (Woodlands) 3) Ketchup (AMK) 4) Desideria (AMK) 5)kimkim (Woodlands) 6)bugattilambo(serangoon North) 7) Greywolf (Seletar) 8) vt_snowman87 (Woodlands) hoho, northies..
  18. all frags are mounted on epozy base, and guaranteed healthy with polyps extension in my frag tank now.. first few buyers can get free frags of lime green monti.. some have slight tissue damage at tips and bases due to fragging. here is a pic of them in the frag tank:
  19. frag F: $8 size 3 inch, (awkward shape due to fragging position)
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