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Everything posted by vt_snowman87

  1. no problem la bro fishtalk! can talk anything under the sun here! ya i think the flow is important also.. mine has lots of micro bubbles trapped inside nowadays because of the skimmer output.. not sure if this will affect the chaetos ornot..
  2. i've been staring at this pic for 2 days, still can't spot any bad stuff on the mushrooms! like playing game like that haha.. hows the flatworm eradication coming along.. nice rics, and i spot some eagle eyes..
  3. great choice of wavemaker for ur tank.. very clean and neat look.. actually with the 'sandstorm', ur tank sorta looks like a sandy beach with the shoreline.. very interesting as well..
  4. i agree with bro Whitefish, dangerous for LPS if ur temperature hits 30 or more.. i've tried mushrooms with 30, they're alright.. but never tried it before with those more exotic mushrooms.. 4 t5 definitely can support mushrooms and zoas (my old tank), but i would advice not to go for those exotic US zoas as u need to be concern with ur temperature.. the type of t5 u use would have a great difference too.. having an overflow system would greatly enhance ur water conditions.. just my 2cents from my personal limited experience as well..
  5. hehe, if u get 'infected', we sure will be on the lookout for ur new project.. k i'll try to take pics of the overflow system tml as well.. keep u updated! cheers!
  6. haha the upsize bug comes when u run out of space to put new gems in.. my chaetos initially was just a fist size, now have grown to fill half the dsb space, will be needing some time to fully fill up the intended space den i harvest for u no problem bro.. i experience good growth with those 2ft FL bought cheap cheap from Aquastar.. now i temporarily using my hopar t5 on it (because got some corals temporarily housing there), the chaetos doesn't look as good and lush green as b4.. will be using back the FL soon..
  7. hi peacemaker , ur nano tank is looking good too.. the koralia nano is actually just to circulate the water behind the rockscape at the corner, and also because the nano got sentimental value, can't bear to sell.. yes me and my dad's tank utilise the same sump system and equipment, the skimmer so far so good, one main reason is because my dad's going low stocking, only got 2 tangs contributing to the bio-load.. so i can take advantage of his volume.. to make up for the undersized skimmer, i've a 2ft x 1ft 6" DSB with lots and lots and lots of chaetos as additional nutrient export.. however will still be monitoring the nitrate levels very closely as well..
  8. hi bro fishtalk, thanks thanks.. you've helped in many ways as well.. sure, will take a shot of both our tanks as well as the sump tank tml.. now no lights liao.. hi eviliztic, thanks slowly stocking up now.. as my tank still quite new, only around 2mths.. but got advantage as got huge water volume.. too bad pocket not as huge.. i promise there are more corals to come! hey bro Mbmc, long time no see.. thanks for ur kind words.. nothing special here la haha .. how's ur tank gems..
  9. thanks bro, my tank's nothing spectacular compared to the experts here.. haha.. why so long never see u update ur tank..
  10. my Front Tank view, going for a simple mixed reef..
  11. my lighting.. 8 tubes.. some say its over-kill.. thank DE for this impressive lightset.. its very well-done..
  12. our 4ft Sump Tank.. u can imagine how me and my dad brought this 4foot monster up to my house..
  13. building my overflow box with my dad..
  14. my tank when it first arrived many months ago.. with 2 holes drilled for DIY external overflow to come..
  15. Hello all reefers, after decomming my old small tank, and with months of preparation, my new tank is finally up and ready, commissioned on Good Friday, 21 March 2008. some specifications of my new setup, 2ft Cube Tank with External Overflow Length: 24" Width: 24" Height: 24" Lighting: DElighting 2ft 8tubes Vossloh eBallasts with built-in 2x cooling fans Return: Eheim 1262 Wavemakers: 1x Koralia3 and 1x Koralia Nano my tank shares a combined system with my Dad's 48" (l) x 20" (w) x 24" (h) , utilising a common Sump Tank 48" (l) x 24" (w) x 20" (h) , Lots of Live Rocks as bio filtration 27" RM Beckette Skimmer Refugium filled with DSB and Chaetos 20" RM Fluidize Reactor with RowaPhos and RowaCarbon Resun C-0500 Chiller i will be doing lots of updates and lots of pictures to come! Happy Reefing! cheers and thanks all for visiting, Vincent
  16. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=69795 bro hope this helps..
  17. what bro arcanehacker means is that he doesn't think fire shrimp cleans at all.. and cleaner shrimp only on occasions.. so its a general consensus that cleaner shrimp is a better choice than fire shrimp if u're looking for a cleaner for ur big fishes.. but generally, when the shrimp grows big and get used to delicious mysis or pellets, they'll gobble on pellets everytime and do less cleaning work.. getting a small size cleaner shrimp might help if u're eager.. cheers..
  18. yeap, dun stock up just yet, do some research.. on the members tank, see how other ppl set up.. a sump tank is very good and live rocks help alot.. something i learnt from all the bros here.. but of course, to each his own, lots of successful reefers here with different opinions and sump designs.. its up to u.. cheers, happy reefing
  19. both the anemones look very bleached, not advisable to put anemones in new setup bro, especially with the skimmer i see in the pic at the top left.. marine setup is very different from freshwater setup.. ur starfish looks like it has started rotting.. should slowly cycle ur tank, read up more, abt the benefits of live rocks and a sump tank and a good skimmer, den ur livestocks will thrive.. few things are important for fishes, cycled tank, good skimmer, zero ammonia and nitrite readings, and stable pH.. for corals, u'll need good lightings, maybe u can state ur equipments here such that we can help u out.. cheers
  20. hm.. what abt sand dollars..? since dollars are slow, will they fall prey to sand stars?
  21. tank has already been collected by a nice bro.. thread closed..
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