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Everything posted by vt_snowman87

  1. hi bro piero, thanks for reminding me to check on the chiller pump.. apparently my dad didnt heed my advice, and went on to use a 1000L/H pump for the chiller.. stubborn as always.. worse, he doesn't believe me that returning direct to tank is a better idea, and insisted on returning to sump.. anyway brought him to consult a fren, and my fren told him that its a super bad idea, den he believe.. therefore now up-ing the pump to one thats 3000L one, den return direct to tank.. now under construction..
  2. welcome.. as u can see i'm a woodland-er too.. with patience and do lots of reading up, you'll enjoy reefing.. cheers..
  3. hi peacemaker, dun worry abt those stars, they're harmless.. just detritus feeders..
  4. hi foocha, your design and concept looks very similar to my setup at home.. we use a 4ft sump as well.. with the same number of compartments.. what i did was to design the divider in the "dsb" area to have the flow right at the middle, so flow across the dsb is much greater, as compared to overflowing it only at the top area.. as well as across the chaetos.. just my humble opinion.. as attached is my sump design, just my simple setup, maybe can give u more 'ideas'.. its nothing impressive though..
  5. hi BenQ, T5 are those thinner tubes.. 2ft is 24W, 3ft 36W etc.. if ur tubes are those thicker ones they're most likely T8.. individual reflectors and good tubes will enhance the output of ur lights..
  6. hi piero, its some atman pump, but i can't rmb what model, my dad did the pipings for the chiller, will check it when i get back home tonight..
  7. yupps sis ming, your black face zoas really grow very fast, gotta make some more growing space for it soon..
  8. ur sps are way gorgeous man.. and ur camera.. bro.. power..
  9. this zoa gotten from sis Ming, her tank's full of these gems.. really hands down.. jade rings beside the black face zoas.. going good and strong.. agreed!
  10. haha machiam pass baton meh.. my tank so new.. still got long way to go.. hopefully will grow and grow..
  11. black face zoas.. i like the very bright fiery skirts..
  12. whats left of my zoa collection.. sunflowers.. courtesy of sis Ming.. thanks again..
  13. can't wait to see more pics of ur collections..
  14. hi BenQ, care to share what lightings are they under? the white balls stuff sounds like urchins.. i'm not too sure though.. if in doubt, remove it first ba.. cheers..
  15. thanks all for sparing time to view my humble tank, will post more zoas pics tml night.. cheers and goodnights!
  16. thanks bro peacemaker, i still starting to learn more abt sps.. still got long way to go..
  17. my very first sps colony.. lime green acro.. more than a week in my tank.. so far so good, colour getting greener.. tips becomming pink.. still keeping my fingers crossed..
  18. my very first sps monti.. and my noob epoxy glue-job.. was spurred on by the good growth of this monti..
  19. wa bro lum ur eyes so sharp, got la i still have my mushroom hill at my right tank side.. the mushroom rock gotten from bro roger when he decomm, added a few polyps there so let the polyps attach to the rocks first.. later i post a shot of the sps..
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