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Everything posted by vt_snowman87

  1. good stuff bro ambystoma.. never knew singapore had such corals.. regarding the bobbit.. i realise the bigger they get, the shinier their body are.. gross..
  2. hm.. if u can't see legs, most probably a fireworm lor.. as long as its not a bobbit..
  3. hehe i always wanted to visit u! always got nice frags and corals to sell, but too bad u live depot road and i live woodlands , if not i sure buy from u.. nice tank, looking forward to more updates!
  4. hehe.. same.. they have been banished to my refugium by my dad.. too troublesome to feed LPSs..
  5. i saw this pair the other day when i dropped by your house.. really nice pair! congratulations!
  6. hm.. you probably should identify the worm first.. bobbit, fire, or bristle.. if its a bobbit, den you probably should rescape.. they're too fast to catch.. if its a fire or bristle, you could sneak up on them in the middle of the night, and hopefully get a good grip (using tongs) and pull it out.. but i would expect it to break into 2.. therefore leaving probably another 1ft inside.. u need to catch it again.. but it might just work.. because they're slower and less sensitive than bobbits.. just my opinion, good luck..
  7. from what i know, cleaner shrimps are very bold.. give them a few days to get acclimatised, they should be more than happy to appear openly, and snatch food from all your corals and fishes.. and even irritate u when u dip ur hands inside..
  8. the black egg crate is a very good idea.. i shall remember to use that method the next time i start a new tank.. btw bro, how do u intend to cope with those salt sprays onto your DE t5 tubes.. or is it extra labour every week to clean it, like i'm doing to mine now.. tedious..
  9. cheers bro! i live near admiralty also.. sure why not! maybe meet at station also can.. bro stash also..
  10. in case u run short of food, i have alot of dried seaweed to spare, can share with you in case u urgently need it.. just drop me a PM.. but i do believe in varying their diet.. so good luck bro..
  11. actually those from LCK201 are pretty useful.. i buy them every week to feed my seahorses, only problem is keepin them alive to spread out the feeding.. always end up with alot dead and wasted away.. btw, hijack the thread a little, anybody living woodlands, wanna share this live shrimps from LCK.. can like take turns to go down LCK to buy every wk.. den share 1 packet or something.. cheers, vincent
  12. wa.. really zoas dominated.. haha so nice!
  13. chiton.. harmless algae grazer.. if i'm not wrong..
  14. i found my picture.. this is after it's been boiled and shrivelled.. it was longer, fatter, stronger.. it hid 2/3 of its body coiled up inside the rock, how to pull it out!? haha.. old memories.
  15. bro, i got the fish trap, can take from me if u want..
  16. actually i took a photo of it.. just have to find a way to dig it out somehow.. haha.. it was in my old tank.. the worm is so huge and ferocious.. i wonder what can battle with it.. i played tug-of-war with its fangs, and i lost.. maybe triggers..? the ecosystem is balanced so there must be a predator for it.. somehow..
  17. it hitchhiked inside a LR i bought.. battled with it for many weeks, set many traps, hooks, pincers.. none worked.. once i lured him out with a prawn meat, and used a pincer to grab its head and tried to pull it out.. but didn't worked as well, it was super strong.. in the end, i took the whole LR out.. and boiled it.. cracked open the rock to find this FAT 1foot long bobbit worm.. worst experience ever..
  18. bobbit worm!! ultimate killer, i had one of those.. mine was more than a foot long.. killed countless fishes as well.. lucky u got it out bro.. nice zoas and mushrooms bro..
  19. i'm running a mixed reef and currently using 8x 24W.. more than enough.. good for sps and other softies at the bottom.. personally i prefer T5s as they give a wider spectrum of colour temperatures u can choose from to tweak the lighting to sooth your preferences.. more blue, or more purplish, or more red, or more white, entirely flexible by utilising the wide array of tubes available in the market.. just my personal opinion.. even with 6 T5s it will not lose to a 250W.. provided with a good fixture and good tubes.. don't forget how hot MH is.. T5 is hot, but not as hot.. just my views..
  20. THAT is good stuff.. why don't i start the ball rolling.. $50.. =)
  21. my nassarius snail leave a trail like this behind as well.. could be spagetti worms.. but both harmless..
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