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Everything posted by vt_snowman87

  1. CLAMania.. electric blue maxi from bro Reefzzz..
  2. a shot of my tank.. nothing much.. coraline on the tank backgound starting to get unsightly.. shall do a clear-up after my exams..
  3. update on Dad's FTS, he did a little shifting.. no new additions though..
  4. yeap the baby percs are in the seahorse tank.. that tank, white sand..
  5. yes they are true percs, gonna be a long journey for them to grow up..
  6. i saw this related picture from Reefcentral.. haha.. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...line+AND+dendro
  7. sweeeet clowns bro.. mind PM me where u get it from? and that yuma is beautiful too..
  8. try peeking around witha torchlight at night bro, should get lucky and find the culprit..
  9. ya lor woodlands.. north and south.. if i live nearer i sure get from u.. coz i looking for purple monti also..
  10. why u live so far bro! upz for u.. nice!
  11. nice mushies bro.. we can do some trading..
  12. i recently acquired a sand sifter star, wondering if it is safe, as i have mini clams on the sandbed.. crocea and maxi.. about 1.5inch.. my clams have rock base, so i'm not worried about it moving house, just worried if my sand star will take a liking to mini clams.. any experienced reefers can shed light on me.. thanks..
  13. can drag a 5" coral.. seem big bro.. are ur corals all on sandbed..? pray its not a bobbit worm.. mine used to drag corals to cover its cave entrance..
  14. fish sold and collected.. thread closed.. thanks all..
  15. agreed, u need to specify the starfish that u have.. marbles, sandsifting, fromia, linkia are safe.. choc chip, asterinas are not..
  16. thank you bro david79.. fish currently reserved..
  17. selling away a Sailfin Tang, head to tail 4inches.. no ich, no diseases, super healthy, eats everything from frozen, seaweed, algae, pellets, etc.. selling to reduce bioload.. $10 only.. self collect at woodlands ring road.. thanks..
  18. i agree.. once in a while i see my snails twitching their shells near the tank walls, creating the clicking sound as the shells hit the glass..
  19. looks like puka shells? just guessing..
  20. your tank is very nice! especially love the supersuns.. the contrast in colours make it very nice.. your tank is not humble, and not mini!!! and your equipments are good! lovely tank you have there..
  21. hi bro, i got alot of those japanese seaweed left.. can't finish.. if u live near i can give u some..
  22. hi all, harvesting some chaetos.. $5 each tau huey tub (beancurd container).. got 2 tubs.. self collect my place at woodlands ring road please.. thanks..
  23. looking for green slimer also.. or green staghorn..
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