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Everything posted by vt_snowman87

  1. thanks bro lemon for your input, very helpful indeed, its in sync with what i read from other reefer's experiences in other countries.. very interesting.. 1 question though, what abt anemones.. liveaquaria says they feed on anemones..
  2. thanks for the unputs bro comycus and dnsfpl, good points..
  3. anybody had experiences with copperbands, Chelmon rostratus, care to share? i did a search, but somehow it is an underated specimen in S'pore, but apparently in other countries, many reefers had used copperbands to control aipstasia with great success and most are coral-safe.. assuming i can get a good feeding specimen, anybody have experiences with its "safe-ness" with softies, LPS, SPS, and anemones? cheers, vincent
  4. oops, wrong section, mods please help to delete this, apologies.
  5. i think i saw quite a number of PTs at aquamarin last week, you might wanna check with them if they still have them..
  6. hi all, looking for jerry cans of about 20-25L, need around 2 pieces.. for seawater transportation from farms.. cheers, vincent 92382517
  7. try to trap it, using glass jars and baits.. when it grows bigger (which is very soon) you will have a problem, it will trap and eat small fishes..
  8. hahaha bro peacemaker, i'm at that 'stage' - stop buying stuff and let them grow. my wallet will get a well-deserved break.. but the achievement of seeing your corals grow, and fragging them to share, is priceless too.. salt is in my blood, even though i'm less active, i still hang around to stalk the forum everyday! sis ming, your collections always 'no horse run', make me
  9. ups, and thanks to bro Nickel, the spirulina arrived through mail in perfect condition.. cheers!
  10. wa bro cedric, that time never tell me you have yellow birdnest! its GORGEOUS! this is really rare gem, guys grab it while it's available..
  11. thats not mini at all.. haha awesome!
  12. the yellow i saw at bro nuclear_fibre's place, was about 3-4inch.. hope that helps..
  13. was just there, saw the yellow tang, indeed a very healthy and big specimen.. very good buy, ups for you bro..
  14. very nice combination of colours brought out by a daring mixture of softies, lps, and sps.. nice..
  15. i second the seawater idea.. can buy them from iwarna at $1 a big packet.. thing is, have to be diligent and change water frequently..
  16. harvesting chaetos, have about 4 tauhuay tubs to sell off.. $5 each tauhuay tub, packed tightly.. self-collect woodlands ring rd.. cheers, vincent 92382517
  17. harvesting this red macro algae (not sure the ID), does not need 24hrs lighting.. for nutrient export.. about 1 handful.. enough to fill 1 tauhuay tub and more.. interested pls self collect at woodlands ring rd.. first come first serve.. thanks! vincent 92382517
  18. hi all, looking for a small kole tang, aka yellow eye.. size about 2-3inches would be great.. if you have one to let go, kindly PM or sms me, cheers! vincent 92382517
  19. LCK got kole tang? mind if i ask what's the size and price?
  20. bro lemon, your flasher wrasse damn SWEE! next time see one of these at Henry's place, must let me know k! haha..
  21. very professional way of handling your lineatus bro.. thumbs up for you.. btw, super nice school of barletts.. my dad would love this.. haha..
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