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Everything posted by vt_snowman87

  1. nice.. do keep us updated! and hopefully yours will behave!
  2. hehe ya exam on saturday.. and 3 more next week.. sianz, cannot go LFS shopping this weekend.. thanks bro! good luck to u too! bro my tank is nothing compared to all you pros.. just some simple corals and letting them grow.. thanks bro, ya, the good thing abt sps is that we can see significant growth and colour differences.. sense of achievement.. patience pays off..
  3. bro lemon post some pics of ur copperband leh, nice catch feeding so soon! btw bro, mind PM-ing me the price of it at CF?
  4. will be waiting to see it.. i'm still learning also.. good luck for ur upcoming project! will be waiting to see it! i got exam tml!! i shouldn't be here!!
  5. thank you bro poomoon, i really enjoy doing scaping.. in fact that is the best part of reefing for me..
  6. there they were, exactly one year ago in 2008.. now here they are, in 2009..
  7. after the rose anemone splitted, i relocated them and rescaped a little, to allow them to get more lights.. starting to show a little bubble-tips.. some reflections.. with the baby percs..
  8. went to AM last night, nothing much, saw 1 pt, some butterflies, clown tangs, small abalones, some nice triggers, small blue tangs, and a few yts.. and some croceas also, decent, but not fantastic..
  9. pico setups can be really neat if you do it right.. btw since you're gonna be changing water frequently, why not consider seawater, its a cheaper and easier alternative, and especially useful if you're changing water every week.. just a suggestion.. btw bro, which sch you from? i also having exams now.. have a feeling we might be from the same school..
  10. pretty awesome setup, will be staying tuned to this thread too.. the sump is very well designed, it'll be a good system.. care to PM me roughly the price of your chengai wood frame and cabinet?
  11. i've seen on reefcentral, during feeding, a reefer uses a glass bottle/container, that has an opening big enough for the mandarin only.. as such, big hungry fishes will not be able to enter and snatch the food away.. the mandarin will take its time inside the container eating his buffet, alongside other smaller peaceful fishes that can enter the container maybe.. very good concept, hope that helps..
  12. actually for me, i follow the school of thought that the turnover rates DOES refer to the return pump.. and not the wavemakers in the tank itself.. wavemakers does not contribute to turnover rates as it just circulates the internal tank water.. a good strong return pump is necessary for SPSs, as it ensures cleaner water is constantly being channelled to the tank itself.. i'm using a 1262 for my 2feet cube, minus-ing away headloss, turnover rate for my SPS tank is over 20 times.. its just my 2 cents worth, of course many other reefers have experiences otherwise that can prove successful too.. SPS requires a combination of alot of factors as well! cheers!
  13. very interesting fish.. i will most prob try it out for my dad's tank, prob in Jan after my overseas trip.. as its quite risky to leave it in a reef tank unattended, right?
  14. for me, i make sure all my rocks are cured before adding them to main tank.. one way is to kill the rock first, den bring it back to life in your tank by cycling it.. i do this for rocks in my display.. this method requires patience as you'll be starting with dead rocks.. but its a sure-safe way of making sure there're no invasions in your display tank.. my other live rocks with hitchhikers (uncured live rocks) are all in my sump, for bio filtration purposes.. to make up for the initially 'dead' rocks in my display tank.. another way, to catch and remove any bad hikers you see everyday.. eg. like crabs, bobbits, and parasitic snails.. hope that helps..
  15. usually before i go on short holiday, i do a 'mock' power failure.. and see what are the issues to take note of.. ensure that water level in sump is optimum (no overflow) etc.. but the problem is usually with the lightings and the temp. of the water since chiller doesn't kick in..
  16. yea copperband is actually really underrated here..
  17. ya i guess thats the case haha.. it could be the zooxanthellae, when stressed some corals expel this symbioic algae, could it be the smell of this?
  18. couldn't agree more.. but its still puzzling why when fed with deteriorating corals, the butterfly still won't be tempted to feed on fresh corals.. i guess its like the case of nassarius snails, they will totally consume stressed corals it finds..
  19. 8cm? thats humongous haha.. i caught 1 last week that was 6cm at most haha.. u can try this method, it's very effective.. use a glass container, make sure its big and wide enough for the crab, and make sure its deep enough so the crab can't crawl out. place the glass container upright, or near upright, near the 'home' of the crab, with a huge fat piece of prawn meat inside. check on the container in the middle of the night or next day morning.. you should see the crab inside.. it can't crawl out as its too slippery.. good luck!
  20. ^ agreed.. its hard to define what's reef safe and what's not.. even some blue tangs eat LPS and zoas.. as always, proceed with caution, and with a backup plan..
  21. haha ya, makes perfect sense, thanks bro lemon!
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