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Everything posted by vt_snowman87

  1. any wii experts/technicians here? i updated my wii software and apparently its bricked now, "error code 003: unauthorized device has been detected" is there a way to fix this? or does someone has the contacts to someone who can? thanks in advance! vincent 92382517
  2. hi all SPS lovers, bought a colony of this but i only needed a frag so i'm selling off or trading away my excess.. only 2 frags available! i'm not good with ID, its cream-green base with purple tip, white polyps.. frag is 2 inches multiple branched. priority goes to trading with a SPS frag that i don't have! PM me to offer! cheers! vincent
  3. ups for my search for a tunze6060 magnet holder!
  4. that is one nice paly.. its a potential gem.. ups for you sis!
  5. any NUS reefers here? my gf just said she saw someone on SRC website at the canteen!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. vt_snowman87


      hehe i've heard the tough life of being in your job.. but i'm also almost samasama as u, heading into civil servant.. ;)

      its a LSM module, apparently the project allows u to choose an animal, could be fish or what, and study its reaction and behaviours.. i have such a good idea on doing anemones or some corals.. now i just need some reefers to take that module with me.. :(

    3. FuEl


      Prof Sodhi is a very entertaining lecturer. :)

    4. vt_snowman87


      bro Fuel is Prof Sodhi the lecturer for that module? interesting.. i'm looking forward to taking that module..

  6. hi all, looking for a tunze 6060 magnet holder to replace my bracket.. pls PM or SMS me if you have one for sale.. even if it comes with a tunze6060 i will consider.. cheers! vincent 92382517
  7. hehehe no la.. i shall be very disciplined.. and only when my AT is speckless and immune.. den i will add new stock..
  8. lucky the multi plug disaster didn't turn out to be disastrous.. loving the AT and the lineatus!
  9. dun be disheartened bro! my tank also kenna wipeout few months back.. lemon also had some major problems a few months ago.. i guess its just the new-tank unstability.. jiayou!
  10. your camera skills never cease to amaze me.. zoa-keeper indeed!
  11. nice anemone and new additions bro kiko.. care to share more about this new anemone that u got? location, placement, and whether it is a mover..
  12. Cedric, a million thanks for the healthy frags! definitely a pleasure visiting you (especially my dad), all frags already showing healthy polyp extensions.. much appreciated!
  13. BSI_IC Gel has arrived!

  14. beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. do what u like, like what u do.. if u ask me, all 3 doesnt interest me, not my cup of tea.. if you like one of them, you should try ur best to go all out to wait/find that one special one.. its waiting for you, out there..
  15. BSI-IC Gel will arrive tonight! :)

  16. nice video Lemon, its well done! did somebody say SPS coming in this weekend??
  17. anybody wants to share BSI IC-Gel orders? only $7.90 each!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. vt_snowman87


      bryan, from Madpetz also? can't find these items at their website?

    3. vt_snowman87


      oh found it.. okay..

    4. vt_snowman87


      thread closed! i have placed orders already! :)

  18. hi all, selling off this last piece of non-sps coral, with me for about 1 year.. currently in my refugium.. it was hosting my clownfishes for a year without any problems.. initially bought from GO at a much higher price.. Green Alveopora - 6~7 inch - $30 collection at woodlands ring rd, FCFS thank u.. interested pls PM.. cheers, vincent
  19. nothing much at west side.. CF - lots of YT, PT, BT, PBrownT, 1 bandit, a few Goldflakes, 2 nakao, 2 flame, a few radiant, quite a number of rubimarginatus, exquisite wrasses.. LCK - still have some nice-looking bartletts, red scooters, lots of flames, 1 potter, lots of YTs.. pretty much empty.. good luck!
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