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Everything posted by vt_snowman87

  1. ^ agreed.. for non-wave, i use the point upwards direction too.. nice rock scape.. have fun on your sps venture!
  2. price of AT at lck still the same.. just went to check.. anyone going to CF? can let me know? need help to buy something cheap and small.. that i forgot to buy just now.. thanks!
  3. wa bro 1am tank thread! now is 2am already! why no update!?!?
  4. haha thanks bro, to each his own, u have an awesome collection of softies urself.. the pleasure is ours, no problem bro, always welcomed.. i got the mentioned frag ready for u.. whenever u are free.. hey bro, nice meeting u and the guys the other day, its actually some sort of plastic trunking that dunno salvage from storeroom.. its to temporarily hold my lightset until i am able to hang it up..
  5. the red haddoni is very red and bright.. but its huge.. around 1.5 ~ 2 feet in size.. didnt take pics sorry.. any updates at coralfarm? and any updates on GO sps shipment timing?
  6. Royal Caribbean International is fantastic!

  7. yes bro, i'll do a review on this set probably after my cruise next week.. bought it from eBay and free shipping.. u are both right bros.. my chilli pepper never fails to amaze me.. grows bi-directional, and now growing upwards like a digitata.. zZz... according to experiences from bro cedric, its due to excessive light.. which i believe so too.. hm.. thanks bro cedric.. still nothing in comparison.. btw i'm loving the frags i got from u the other day.. will try to capture good pics of it next week! awesome!
  8. u are right, water condition ain't too good.. keep having particles floating around.. can never get clear water, not sure if its the grade0 sand.. hm.. hey desi! thanks, the ich goes on and off, following the ich cycle.. still headache whenever i see ich! no prob bro, hope it helped..
  9. very nice! looks like an outcrop of the great barrier reef.. thumbs up..
  10. my Achilles Tang, currently the only resident in my tank.. still has ich even after so many months..
  11. some SPS pictures.. radioactive birdnest.. chilli pepper..
  12. the moonlight effect on the tank.. not too bad i would say.. will be doing a review on the forum for those interested.. bought it at eBay..
  13. added new toy recently, for midnight viewing pleasure..
  14. bro peacemaker, dug up these old pictures for you..
  15. hey bro, sorry forgot to update u.. here's my current configuration, front to back: Blue+ Aquablue Special True Actinic Blue+ Aquablue Special Blue+ Aquablue Special Blue+ in total: 4 Blue+, 3 Aquablue, 1 Actinic
  16. hi all, selling away this pair of Amphiprion frenatus (common name: tomato clownfish) at $15. pellet trained, and extremely bright red.. they are paired up and does not fight. male is 1.5" female is 2" both are small sized, good for small tanks.. selling to clear space and bioload.. view and collect at woodlands ring road, thanks! vincent 92382517
  17. its a rhodactic mushroom.. a species of mushroom thats more 'hairy' and rough..
  18. i highly doubt so.. they do not usually spawn, and especially in captivity, they usually split.. i'm guessing aiptasia, these are pest anemones.. a picture would help greatly..
  19. ^ nitrate is the one that you SHOULD test.. it will almost never be zero.. below 20 is good enough.. the cycle goes like this: ammonia spike ammonia drops, nitrite spikes nitrite drops, nitrate spikes nitrate drops (to below 20) <---- this is the stage where ur cycling is complete and safe for livestocks.. is AmmoniaAlert the paste-on thinggy? i think its not accurate, i advice using more accurate tests such as API or salifert etc.. all the best!
  20. wa bro ur photos make me itchy.. really gonna need ur help to help me *snap *snap.. pass u ur sunset after my exams ok! exams ending on monday..
  21. nice montis bro.. hm.. interesting.. looking forward to a few mini trade-offs with you..
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