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Everything posted by vt_snowman87

  1. yes many thanks to you, and i am glad i didnt disappoint you.. just noticed it today, hopefully just a superficial wound.. will have to monitor it first.. but so far still feeding.. thanks bro klyve, u have one hell of a SPS collection yourself..
  2. thanks bro Terry, yeap i love the whitecaps too.. very subtle yet elegant markings.. the gills of the smaller one seem to be slightly open and looks kinda weird now, hope nothing's wrong.. its too small to see in details, very hard to see..
  3. not as power as u guys.. hahaha.. my tank small, so all start from frag-size.. even at frag-sizes, i'm running out of space, real soon..
  4. ooohhh icic.. that certainly explains alot.. very interesting observations indeed! thanks a million..
  5. hahahaha! must be a male in his teenage years! raging hormones! oh btw, does male fairy/flasher display similar coloration when flashing at another males? as compared to nuptial colorations? or are nuptial mating colours definitely much more intense..
  6. LOL.. the second part sounds so explicit.. as if describing humans..
  7. thanks bro CF, have to thank you for some of those frags also..
  8. wao! thats awesome colours.. thanks for capturing and sharing it!
  9. thanks Larry, i attribute it to good & healthy frags that come from all the expert reefers here..
  10. Yellow monti with blue polyp: Tabling red polyp acro with green base, at different locations:
  11. Loripe: Purple acro with green polyp: Red mille:
  12. best shot that i could get, its hard to capture.. Optic fibre: Encrusting monti with blue polyps: Green slimer:
  13. finally managed to take some decent top-down shots of my SPS.. here they are.. Delsawi with monti: Blue tenuis: Pink birdnest: German blue digitata:
  14. wao the bright yellow is really very nice and special! good catch! almost like half flame haha!
  15. bold scaping, i like it.. nice aussie scoly!
  16. thanks Cedric for dropping by my thread, they are indeed very cute.. only 1inch big at most.. like they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. bro poomoon, thanks! once again, appreciated your offer for the joejuice..
  17. many thanks to kind reefers who has offered to help, i have gotten some from bro newnew already, thread closed!
  18. picked these 2 up from bro Fuel the other day.. 2 picasso white-cap perculas.. the female, strong coloration, blacks already showing: the male, has a cute little heart shape at the top:
  19. hi all, looking for full-green hammer euphyllia coral, as shown in the pics below, taken from RC.. preferably big size! let me know if u have one to let go, or knows where i can find one! cheers, vincent 92382517
  20. hi all, got a few aipstasia i need to bust, as such, any kind reefers here have JoeJuice i can borrow or buy? preferably in the north, woodlands area preferred! cheers, vincent 92382517
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