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blur one

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  1. better airflow thus better efficiency of the chiller
  2. Have a Half HP Hailea chiller for sale....recently serviced and modified with upgraded fan and blade by Bioplast (System and control engineering) [Got receipt dated 24 May 2004] Modification alone cost S$ 160.00 Upgrading to Artica used 6 months plus.... (on a planted tank) Currently able to chill my 1000 litre tank at 26-27 degrees (Enclosed cabinet with 3 times 150 watt MH Lights) Interested please drop me a PM..... if price too low....will keep for future use.... self collect at Telok Blangah Heights
  3. _img_http___arofanatics.com_members_kimleng_equipmentstuff_image10.jpg__img_
  4. oops....how to reduce pic size ??? Can anyone assist...got more stuff to put up
  5. Items for sale. If interested...PM me...collection at Telok Blangah Heights
  6. I have some cannister filters that I am selling..... will upload pics later.... I have the Ehiem 2226 and 2228......rubber seals are not leaking and filter is working well..... about a year plus old.... Also have one Rena XP3 just over 6 month old.... all were used in freshwater set-ups.... but no longer needed.... if you interested....let me know. Need to get home before uploading the pics. I stay at Telok Blangah Heights.
  7. can see them at system & control engineering (AKA Bioplast) Blk 22 Boon Keng Road #01-23 Tel : 62964916
  8. Saw this brand of chillers...was told that its the same manufacturer as artica and the chillers are the same internally also. Much cheaper.....though.... Anyone got experience with this ?? Was thinking of changing my current chiller to artica but too expensive so was recommended this Daeil brand.... Any comments would be appreciated.
  9. Where to modify the fan ?? The fan seems to work in my chiller but the volume of hot air blowing out is very minimal... if I were to F*RT (You get the idea) it would be much stronger.....
  10. To all who are using Healia chillers especially the half HP ones... want to check, when your chiller is on, is there a strong exhaust air blowing out of your chiller ?? Mine feels like nothing but the fan is working. Also, does the chiller suck air from the front to back or back to front ?? Cant tell with mine.....exhaust so weak....thinking of running it without a cover.
  11. Thanks....do you know the costs for servicing ??
  12. Can you PM me the price as a set. Understand that your friend wants to sell as a set... willing to take the set then sell the items that I dont need. Actually interested in the tank, cabinet, sump , pump, chiller and lights... Maybe can work with others here to buy the whole set but I am willing to take the set if price is agreeable. Thanks
  13. Can anyone direct me to a place to service my Healia Chiller....any idea the costs ?? How often does a chiller need to be serviced ?? Appreciate any assistance. Regards
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