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Everything posted by giantbicycle

  1. creepy...narh,its 1..heh, i am finding paintings for my rm hor.
  2. no problem you are welcome..hmm i vote for the chemo - removing PO4 and reduce DOC [ 4 ] [44.44%] i got rid of them by the way i vote, yes, everything, reducing DOc,, Nutrients in water thru heavy skimming ,wet mood, PHospate, light . feeding, and of cous weekly maintaince of plucking it out randomly. pls feel free to ask as i did hope u win the battle.
  3. Dont say that, we are all here to learn and to share. A picture will help much better
  4. Check it out This too Hope this will help you in some way.. Byropsis is frustrating . gdluck
  5. Me,! a proud winner of it.haha, wait, let me dig it out for you .
  6. Its Gunbound, some online gaming.
  7. how to sms u if somebody dont have yr number? i think u mean Pm
  8. ahyio, your bt kock where? blue black ar? hahahha do u have a pic?
  9. whahaha,~ bH, if so, den better take more 40times40 Marco shots.
  10. Aww, then i need to wait till after your"O's" aready.hahaha, just painted my room, no furniture yet so, yea, finding ..
  11. The Most Beautiful Aquariums of the World
  12. wha, u doing ar? hey, need review ? ahhahaha, anw, i love your shots too, if got xtra, do let me knw ,hahaha anw, yea, tkx hmm, i dont wan thoes like the poster where there are individual fishes and below is the name and the sp. of the fishes, narH! haha, wad i looking for is marco shots or some like,kinda representing nature under marine.hhehe,yeap,i am framing them up , Been to Holland V shopping centre and saw some famous artist , but more of them are artistic kinds. for eg : the one on the far left of the forum,eg:Reefkeeping,Advance Aquarist E-mag,this kind of front page pictures is the one i am looking for.heh.. Thanks Blueheaven.Better start taking more MArco shots.hehe
  13. Really apperciate your help, thanks.
  14. anybody here have seen or know of any palcees that sells or carry nice marine posters like (fishes,Corals,inverts, Etc...) i Just got a new room painted and its very plan, thought of decorating it with nice marine posters .Thanks in advance. Went to ikea & found some, but not totally related to marine..
  15. yeap,tkx...is there any webpage of Rio?
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