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Everything posted by giantbicycle

  1. hey,sweetiee...happy bleated birthday...haha,jk,bro,bleated birthday...
  2. u will see lots of difference between sin LFS and KL's
  3. A merry merry Christsmas to all SRC members,Santa's is on his way ...
  4. wha, seems bad....try a water change with RO/DI water ar,not tap water
  5. but some of the pumps are cheap,but warrenty is abit hard off ,unless is international warrenty,there is 1 at mid valley top floor,but the marine tank all full witrh cynao
  6. hey, i got the same piece as you , just that my cam cant take the pinkish colour out.. lousy skills
  7. bro , the pink tip plate recedded already ar?
  8. Is it the LOC line?? if it is, Iwarana selling it..think i saw them at the cabinate
  9. hey bro , i tot u got the new P04 remover not long ago?
  10. yea, low profile, coming out from no where.....and tis just swee
  11. bukit batok wha...hahahahha....i stay in the west....yea,west....
  12. wont the tank crack if landed on the rough surface with heavy LR's on it
  13. yep, advantage is when u can save space and add in another addition bulb beside it , or side by side, but the radium ,heat and effectiviness , i'am not sure about that, got to test it out myself.
  14. whao, bro selling the king off already ar?
  15. As above, looking for ARM calcium MEdia....probaly ard 3-4KG will do..Thanks
  16. chenggai is waterproof,and the design is nicer,but if u are on budget , kapoh can do the job too
  17. haha,its okie..but next time if u want to go LCK,pls let me know kie...Thanks so much bro.
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