Ans 1.) Is your tank stable enough ? as it is your 2nd month, are the water perimeters stable? Get a skimmer first. A good hang on maybe Aqua C Remova ?Be prepare to immerse the tank with food as Flame angel are shy and less confident to feed if not trained.
Ans 2.) Watch your bio-load. as it is just a 24G, with a tang in it, you need to acquire good water managment .again, check out on the skimmer first while u let your tank slowly mature.
Ans 3.) With 24G, to make it more virbrant, lively, there are many small fishes available , its a different perspective of how vibrant you want it to be. (corals are a good addition too ) but most of all, to keep it and mature it is the best . So , maybe you can read up more at the same time learnt.
FYI I am using IWARNA TOp Up and distilled water. ( If you are sure you will be doing that for the long run, why not, but if not, i think a salt mix will be necessary)