wha, u doing ar? hey, need review ? ahhahaha, anw, i love your shots too, if got xtra, do let me knw ,hahaha
anw, yea, tkx
hmm, i dont wan thoes like the poster where there are individual fishes and below is the name and the sp. of the fishes, narH! haha,
wad i looking for is marco shots or some like,kinda representing nature under marine.hhehe,yeap,i am framing them up ,
Been to Holland V shopping centre and saw some famous artist , but more of them are artistic kinds.
for eg : the one on the far left of the forum,eg:Reefkeeping,Advance Aquarist E-mag,this kind of front page pictures is the one i am looking for.heh..
Thanks Blueheaven.Better start taking more MArco shots.hehe