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Everything posted by giantbicycle

  1. I am using F-secure internet security 2005.very good, can get it at sim lim.
  2. Finally someone noticed it.!! bukitbatok aread got lots, thou it seems nice, hehe , but all like, insane, flying ard 1 moment, the next, dead
  3. Wha. really sorry for your lost...Know how much it cost there dude.
  4. Icee, Thanks... :peace:Just asking as never use b4..
  5. same here and i get irritated, cant get off at certain dead spots..grrxz
  6. Wad technology of skimming is it using btw??
  7. Yaeh, Me too!!, I Drop my hp while biking, the phone became lag, and ask to repair by Motorola Hq, Asking for $500 HP cost me only $98!
  8. Ohh, Ic..haha, use latin name is so ....Chim...hehe.. window shopping, coming to the west?
  9. but yr corals seems like beauty instead of cheap..hehe...
  10. u SUrE?? anw,nice corals, and tank,( Incredibles)
  11. But the real 1 shld be franklin covey's not stephen
  12. No prob..tkx for the help too..tkx tkx..~!! Sps!!
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