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  1. Hi, i am upgrading my tank into above mention from a 2 feet tank. Red sea peninsular 500 is 500 litre tank so i have some concern hope someone can enlighten me 1) using RO water: do u use barrel to collect 500 liter? If u do wat type of barrel u using and where to buy? Is there any easier way? 2) mixing salt water: possible to dump all 500 liter of water into tank then pour the salt and mix? Is new tank thus no live stock Looking forward to your expertise reply Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. Collection at where? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. How much for ur AI prime? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. How to prepare the clams? Jus wash it and put into tank or need to boil? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  5. Hi, thanks for the useful information.... hmmmm as u say tigertail cucumber where can i get it and wat is the course? hmmmm as for the egg wat?? wat is about anyway sorry a newbie here wat is it gonna help to my marine tank thanks!@!!
  6. Hi, i heard alot about cleaner shrimp it actually help 'clean' the sand is it true... do u guys have any idea where to get those??? is the some kind starfish tat can too actually loosen the sand?? hmmmm my tank seem to be very dull in color wat advise will u guys give me in order to brigthen and beauty my tank... thanks!!!
  7. Hi, thanks u guys for your useful information and advise.... hmmm yesterday i jus bought 2 clown fish and 1 camel shrimp.... hmmmm i wish to keep a sea horse any reefer know where do get those and how to keep it healthy and alive??? hmmmm hope to hear from all the expert soon!!!
  8. hahaha i c.... hmmm wat fishes are recommanded to keep in my tank huh??? typical clown?? blue Tang??? and how many must i put??? thanks!!!
  9. Hi there wat u mean by gangster fish
  10. Hi thanks 4 info.... where can i buy biohome or liverock rubble ? usually how much it cost? oh i might consider but i prefer to buy 1st hands.. thanks 4 the offer.... other then those wat media can i get to get rid of nitrate, ammonia and algue... thanks!!!!
  11. Hi thanks for your useful information maybe i will be getting the canister filter over the weekend.... is there any filter media tat actually reduce nitrate, ammoina and algea?? thanks!!
  12. hi Thanks.... but i have another doubt.... inside the canister filter wat media must i use and can quote the price too... pretty new to marine ya? thanks.... hmmmm for such a small tank wat fishes and coral is suitable for my tank??? i dun have a chiller.... hope to heard from the expert soon...!!!
  13. Hi, i'm totally new to this hobby, i have friends who advise me on wat are the steps to mantain a marine tank so i decided to try on.... my tank is a cube 1.5/1.5/1.5 using a udergravel filter a skimmer and a internal filter about 5-8kg of LR. is it ok to use caniester filter for such a small tanks??
  14. Hi i'm kinda new to saltwater aquarium.... i seen few of websites and i found out tat reef coral actually eats.... but i dunno wat they eat.... hope all the expert out there will ligthen me... thanks
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