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Everything posted by [V]tEc

  1. selling on behalf of fren macro as350 nw skimmer - $90 resun cl650 chiller - $150 (gt 2 units) ehiem 1260 pump - $100 ehiem 1250 pump - offer jebo 2 * 150w + 2 * T5 light fixture - $120 sump tank abt 2ft - offer foc 3ft tank for ppl who purchase the chiller. pic will be posted soon. interested party pls pm me for contact.
  2. ............... sorry for the repeated post
  3. bro, it doesnt look like the normal scooter wor....hybrid one ar.... i have 1 in my tank too....kept for 1yr+. hyper active leh.....onli during bedtime then it burrow in the sand. else it will be seen "flying" ard looking for food....always stealing brine shrimp from my mandarin's home
  4. upz for bro....gd buy, best buy, must buy
  5. u interested in a reeflux 12k bulb? used for 2 mths n kept in store, going for $40 which is more than half price of a brand new.... if interested pm me with ur contact. collection at east side.
  6. tot of doing that but then was told u need 1 that is almost the same size as ur main tank to be effective. for no3 n po4 prob, i run a oversize skimmer, denitrator n FR with rowa. for topping up, use DI water. most important thing is control stocking level n feeding. like they always say, prevention is always better than cure.....
  7. skimz one not bad....quite affordable price also....check on AM webby
  8. some salt dun need to buff up mg n ca liao....prefer to use that as buffing mg can be very expensive for a 5ft.
  9. i read from somewhere in the forum by 1 of the bro. never dose anything which u dun test. my advise is go get some test kit n test ur water. else there's no other way to find out what is wrong with ur water. those instructions for dosing r juz a rough guide. if u have alot of lps, u need to dose CA more often. if u have very little lps, then u might be overdosing ur CA...juz trying to state an example.... if u realli plan to keep corals, get some test kits, there's no ez way for reef keeping...
  10. have u checked for the things that u dosed? overdosing will cost more harm than good....what r ur water perimeters?
  11. wooo, u gt a lovely plate....where u gt it from???
  12. item left Reeflux 150w DE bulb used for 2mths - $40 Eheim compact 1000 pump. adjustable flow rate. - $30
  13. dun think it will work...... too much bubble will worsen ur skimmer performance if it's not designed for it.
  14. maybe ur chiller frequent kicking in n out kill the controller?
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