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Everything posted by [V]tEc

  1. i am using a 1hp aircon compressor. temp set at 27
  2. Tks for the kind comment. Still a newbie compared to the hidden dragons.
  3. Ich is quite easy if u act fast. Using copper, u will see effect in about 3 to 4 days for mild cases. Flukes is 1 thing quite common in wild angels. Fresh water dip or prazi will settle that. Bacteria infection is abit more work. Sometimes angels will just stop eating.some use yellow powder to bath the fish for 1 day.
  4. 3rd queen inside my sump. French growing damn fast.
  5. Using T5 low output and led. Total cost of light less than 50.
  6. The wrasse are not dying lah. They behave like that when they are stress leh.
  7. This is my humble setup. Pretty new to fowlr.
  8. Not an expert but i have about 14 angels in my tank. If possible, buy from small to big. But i understand some rare angels u cant get to choose the size. What i do is put them in the main tank with divider between the new angel and the current ones. This is to let the new angel settle down and start feeding and to prevent from been bully. If the new angel is bigger than the current one, once it is feeding, u can release to mix with the rest. This was taught to me by TFC
  9. I only use oversize skimmer and weekly water change. For Angels, most of us use copper to treat ich.
  10. Is the water flowing down into the return portion causing the microbubbles? if your sump where your return pump is located has no microbubbles, then most likely your piping has a small gap or hole which is causing the water to suck in air when it is been pumped back to display tank
  11. If u stay east, i can help u take a look
  12. Use a strong led light and shine your sump, is there micro bubble in the return pump section. If yes, check the source of it. If the source is from skimmer, then u can get those black sponge to block the bubble. Else u can off your skimmer and check if the problem continues.
  13. To reduce no3, u need large water change. If your tank is still cycling, then no worries. Wait awhile more and let the bacteria work on it. Btw u shouldnt do water change if u are cycling your tank.
  14. reef safe med is proven useless for me. daily water change works better for me in reef tank.
  15. u can order from him to help u ship in
  16. U all really think she didnt know what to do meh? She is trying is prove that even never cycle and no water change, her LS will still be healthy and growing.
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