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Everything posted by sinner

  1. hi bara that means i can't use this neat gadget?
  2. tube worms? my pink tubes only come out at night if thats what you mean
  3. barra how many would i need for my powerlux 3*39watts? or in the first instance can i replace them?
  4. actinic comes in FL, PL & T5... for actinic -FL are easily found in LFS... -PL you can purchase it from n@tu3r aquarium... i've seen them selling... -T5 can be purchase from our sponsor eaquanature... hope this helps
  5. IMO i think doing away with filter biologically should be able to sustain but on the other hand it should have some sort of mechinical filteration to aid... unless waste can be broken down fast... and not forgetting uneaten food...
  6. hi ikea sells planks... can customize to your own needs
  7. hmmm.... just noticed that you started the thread in the wrong place dude...
  8. ooh yes one more thing to add... spectrums are very very important too! you can have 1000w of MH and it's still useless...
  9. depending on what corals you intend to have and then you can roughly gauge the kind of lighting you'll need... for example mushrooms requires low-medium light, lps medium-strong, sps strong.... i'll recommend you to get a T5 at least this will save you some $$$ rather then getting PLs and upgrading them in the near future... but of coz it'll be best to get a MH if you have a chiller my 2cents
  10. so long as you have notting for them to nib and no hawks!!!
  11. are you using fresh filter media or exsiting ones?
  12. hmmm decided to let your shrimps go instead of your maxima huh? hmmmm that also means i won't get your maxi
  13. yeah i'm keen to know the price too and how long does it take to cool down 1deg?
  14. no doubt the filter in the tank is still running but the other powerhead for the top filter is going to be turned off and when it's off no water circulate the media you have loaded in the top filter and after which it slowly dies off
  15. how are they graded btw? the colours size?
  16. should have known i really love them but they are so expensiv e
  17. sorry but $35/piece = the whole rock or per frag?
  18. they usually dun last in aquarium, done some research and found that they like meaty food... you can try frozen mysis shrimp
  19. gosh! you got a nice collection of froggies and the PERCS!!! it's beautiful!
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